BNHA10:PR! But Baby, If you're gonna be lonely, be lonely with me

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A few days after had been one of the most tiring days of your life, or atleast, that's how you felt like. You've been training yourself harder, pushing your body to the limit as you continuosly tried to improve in terms of physical and emotional combat.
So believe it when I say that you were extremely excited at the same time nervous when the day of the long-awaited event had arrived.

You were seated on one of the cold, metal benches of the room, your other classmates laying around as they nervously chatted amongst each other. Uraraka, who was sitting behind you, leaned her back against your own, letting out a long, dreaded sigh.

"I'm so nervous," She said with a shaky breath, looking up at the ceiling lights as she felt you shift to an upright position.
"You'll be fine," You assured calmly, turning your head slightly to send the brown-haired girl a small smile."I believe in you and so do our classmates. You're strong and you've been training a lot harder."

"Thanks, N/N," Uraraka smiled happily, lifting her weight off your back just as the door slammed open, surprising everyone in the room. All the attention was then shifted to Iida walking in, bringing with him a certain two-toned male who seemed to be glowering.

"Everyone ready? We'll be heading out soon!" The president yelled, though no one took heed to his words as they watched the multi-quirked male with curiosity.

His face was stoic yet underneath, you could see hidden anger flashing in his eyes. With his fists clenched at his sides, he approached a particular classmate of yours, one with green hair and cute freckles.

"Is there something wrong, Todoroki?" Midoriya asked politely and timidly, a bit shaken up at the aura that surrounded the usually silent, sneaky male. He was slightly trembling under the heavy gaze of the son of Endeavor, unused to the odd behavior of his friend.

"Looking it objectively, I'm way stronger than you," The bi-color haired male started, taking a deep breath. He paid no attention to all the people watching him and lifted his head, the expression on his face contorted onto that of seriousness."But I'm sure you have some sort of bond with All Might. I won't ask but I definitely will beat you."

"Now, guys," Kirishima stood up from where he was seat, going in between the two males. He was clearly trying to break the tension when Todoroki simply ignored him and points elsewhere.

"And you,"

This time, it was your turn to look at him with wide eyes as their classmates looked at Todoroki with open mouths.

"I don't know what you can do, but since you've been given a recommendation into this school, I now see you as a rival."

"Oi, Don't try to pick fights, Todoroki-" Kirishima was yet again dismissed by his classmate as the bi-colored male turned on his heel,leaving an uneasy tension wavering in the air as he exited the door.

But before he could step out, he looked over his shoulder, his glare on point and intense," We're not here to make friends. What's the point."

Bakugo stood up with a roar, a vein popping in his head as he flipped a table, angrily yelling to Todoroki about how the livid blond wasn't being challenged by the heterochromatic-eyed male, who only ignored him.

You paid no attention to the new commotion in the room, running after the classmate of yours who left the place, now alone in the hallway with him and standing a few feet apart.

"Todoroki!" You called, making the said male stop in his step but refusing to turn around however.

You took this as a sign to continue, taking small steps forward to get closer to him,"I don't know your abilities, either. I've heard from our classmates how strong you are and I'm sure you aren't going to be holding back so I won't either! but..."

You reached just right behind him,placing a hand on his shoulder. You smiled softly as he turned, gripping your wrist gently but tightly.

You -cupped his cheek, softly brushing the sides of his face with your thumb, running it along his scar as your eyes crinkled, "I hope someday that you'll change your view about this whole thing, I hope that you'll be able to see me as someone who'll always be here for you. No matter what,"

His eyes widened and you dropped your hand, turning your back on him as you started walking away,"I know that feeling, Todoroki. I know that look all too well and I want you to know that you're not alone. I'll be here if you ever need me," You made a short pause, slightly turning your head to gaze at him over your shoulder with a sad look. "Todoroki."

You continued walking away, leaving the male baffled and confused.

The way you said his name sent shivers down his spine. How it sounded, comforting and warm, but with a hidden sadness in in, it reminded him of his own mother, making his heart ache with longing.

He watched your retreating figure do a sharp turn and enter the room where their classmates were, his mind filled with various thoughts about the words you said to him, a thin line on his face as he continued walking down the hall, off to the entrance to the stadium. He was so consumed on the short moment the two of you had, it was like a loop replaying over and over again inside his head. He was trying to decipher the sad look on your face when you turned to look at him, it was like you could relate to whatever he was feeling. He grunted and leaned against the wall of the entrance, his arms crossed as his hair casted shadows over his eyes.

'What did she mean?'

|| Lonely with me by Parachute||

I don't even know anymore, Im cryin HAHAAHAHA
I had fun writing this chapter, got a bit off-sided though, this chappie was supposed to be about the sports festival but I still like how it turned out

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