BNHA:25 PR! Speechless, Over the Edge and Just Breathless

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omgosh i didnt think this book would reach 7k its not much but im still so happy
im so immature but i couldnt help it guys
"Hello, Hello!" Present Mic greeted once again from the top, a wide smile on his face while Aizawa sat calmly at his side. "And welcome back! Unfortunately it's the end of the Sports Festival-"

A loud groan erupted from the stadium and Mic immediately added.

"I know I know, I'm sad too. We got to see a very interesting display of skills from various students -love you Y/N- so now pro heroes have a chance to pick their sidekick! Anyways, the sun has set on our day in the sun so now, it's time for the awardings!"

The crowd cheered loudly, hooting and clapping their hands as the blond hero continued to speak, placing the mic near his face while he flailed his arms around wildly.

"Congratulations to the top three students, At third place, the daughter of our very own Aizawa Shota, is Y/N L/N! Clap your hands everybody as our new comer fought her way to the top with hardwork and determination!"

The crowd did as they were told without hesitation, clapping wildly as a column rose up, revealing the number 3 at the top and yourself standing atop, bashfully waving your hand in the air with a wide grin present on your face.

"At second place, The son of the number 2 hero is Todoroki Shoto! A prodigy boy with amazing set of skills, Alright!"

Again, a stone column rose up higher than yours of course, displaying number 2 and showing the half and half male, who stood indifferently, his face displaying his usually stoic look.

"And lastly, The explosive boy who showed no mercy, Oh my!"

As the last column rose up, higher than the rest and show-casing the number 1, a young blond was strapped onto the post, wildly thrashing around like a rabid dog and struggling to fight against the restraints that were also trying to bind him in place.

The crowd gasped, watching Bakugo angrily try to break free, only to end up failing and retrying all over again. You arched your brow, looking up at him weirdly.

"Bakugo!" You whisper yelled, trying to get his attention. "What in the hell are you doing?!"

The boy turned to face you, grunting and cursing, only to be heard as muffled by the mouth guard strapped onto his face.

"What the?" You exclaimed aloud, looking at Midnight or anyone for an explanation, only to recieve none except the commentary voice of Yamada.

"Our top 3 champions will now then be awarded by our favorite and number one hero, All Might!"

The crowd went wild when the muscular hero jumped down from the top of the stage, his signature wide smile familiarly etched onto his face, doing a superhero, hands-on-his hips kind of pose.

You clapped along as well, watching the old man stand in front of you, grabbing the bronze medal from the case Midnight was holding in her hands. He then faced you, holding up the medal.

"Young Y/N!" He began, placing the medal around your neck that was followed by a hand onto your shoulder. "I'm quite impressed by the skills you had displayed for us today. You're a fighter and you're not one to back down from a challenge. You tried your best not to hurt anyone with the amazing quirk that you possess and at such a young age, you've proven to be reliable and strong. I know that one day, you will become a great hero! Keep it up, Aizawa's daughter."

You gave the largest smile you could muster at the moment and tackled him into a quick hug, in which he let out a surprised grunt and chuckled, nonetheless still hugging back. He then gave you a pat on the head and proceeded to move on to Todoroki.

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