BNHA 65: PR!! Ah, Good Morning, today's a beautiful day

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welcome to the family

"Y/N! You coming or what?" You heard Mina yell, rushing over to the people only to stop in her tracks and call for your attention. You turned to look at her over your shoulder, giving her a thumbs up and a smile.
"Yeah! Be right there! Go on ahead without me!"
"Okie dokie!"

You turned back to your bag, pulling out a white towel and a couple of other things, checking inside to see if all your belongings were still settled within. Tossing your phone into your duffel bag, you prepared to head into the water when your eyes went wide, freezing in your tracks for a moment. Lo and behold stood Iida, folding his shirt neatly with his muscular frame exposed for everyone to see. Your face flared up, the realization dawning on you on what the universe was about to give you that day. Your eyes trailed his well toned chest before they averted elsewhere, face hot and burning. You focused your attention somewhere else, turning your head once more only to be met by Todoroki and Midoriya, who well..had their shirts off too.

"N/N, are you okay?" Todoroki stepped closer to you, toned chest heaving up and down with every breath he took. "Your face is really red."
"A-Ah, is that so?" You responded, swallowing your saliva down your throat in a frazzled state. "It's nothing, really."
"You sure?" Midoriya quickly inquired beside his friend, hand reaching out to touch you. You swerved him, taking a step back with your hands frantically waving infront of you.

"I'm fine!"

Your voice was high and you mentally slapped yourself, way to play it cool, Y/N, way to play it cool. Excusing yourself quickly from your agonizing death, you jogged towards the girls, jumping into the pool to ease your red face state. Luckily, you surfaced above looking back to normal, a large grin on your face to show the cheeky idea present in your mind.

"Who's up for water volleyball?!"


As you girls played volley for a while, the boys suffered under the training regime of Iida, to the point where you could actually hear Kaminari and Mineta sobbing while doing freestyles.

"Everyone," All motion from the boys stopped, heads turned to Iida and awaiting his next words. "Take a 10 minute break then we will resume with leg strength and abs!"

Groans of relief escaped the boys, all of them heading out the pool to collapse on the sides, puddles of water forming around them from dripping down their bodies and their hair. You spotted Mineta and Kaminari lifting themselves up through the edges of the pool and neary laughed aloud, amused at their defeated, tear-stained faces.

"What a bunch of losers," You snickered, lifting yourself up to sit on the edge with your legs dangling in the water.
Jiro followed after, sitting cross legged with ease,"They're dumdums for thinking they could pass the training of Iida."
"Eh, well, they deserve it anyways," Hagakure commented casually, gripping the ball in her hands before throwing it gently in the air and doing a serve towards Ochako.

You laughed, your eyes drifting to the boys side once more. You happened to see Iida heading towards the cooler he brought, handing out sodas to the people who asked him to. Your cravings kicked in and you stood up, mentioning to your friends, "I'll be right back," beforehand.

Walking to Iida with a slight bounce in your steps, the glasses wearing male immediately straightened his back upon seeing your approach him, a hand gripping an orange soda.
"Would you like a drink, Y/N? Afterall, hydration is important!"

"Sure do," You laughed, nodding your head eagerly.
"Flavor of preference?"
"(Favorite flavor) if you have please," You peaked inside the cooler, looking around with Iida to see if your drink was there. Spotting it buried under a pile of other drinks, your blue-haired classmate pulled it out with ease, handing it to you in an instant.

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