BHNA7: PR! May the best of your today be the worsts of your tomorrows

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You smiled and thanked the lunch pro hero gratefully. Picking up your tray, you scanned the canteen where you could sit, your hopes slowing going down when you were unable to find a spot. Maybe you could sit in the rooftop? Do they even allow access to the rooftop?


You turned your head towards the direction where you heard your name from, seeing the green haired boy again from earlier, you plastered on a smile.

"Yeah?" You asked, once he stopped infront of you with a shy look, red hues sporting his chubby cheeks. "Hi, your name was Deku right?"

"Deku" visibly deflated, his shoulders drooping as he deadpanned, a purple aura surrounding him," N-No, it's not."

It was now your turn to turn red, nervously apologizing to the boy as sweatdrops appeared in the side of your head," S-Sorry! I just assumed that it was Deku because Bakugo said it-"

"K-Kacchan uses that name to make fun of me but," Emotion flickered in the young boy's face, his hand clenched into a fist as he stared at you with a closed smile." Someone had recently changed the way I see it and now I'm proud."

Your eyes brightened curiously and you hummed, curious as to who made him see it in a different way," So what's your real name then?"
"Midoriya Izuku," He held out his hand for a handshake, in which you gladly took and shook, returning the smile he had.
"You can call me Izuku since I call you Y/N. We're friends now so no need for formalities."

You grinned, obviously happy, though you raised your brow when the freckled boy turned into a red mess, a hand rubbing the back of his head whilst he gazed down at the floor," I-I m-mean if y-you want to, of course."
"It'll be my pleasure, Izuku," You placed a comforting hand on his shoulder, the other hand now struggling to balance the tray.

The boy even turned a brighter red if it was possible and poked his fingers together shyly, " A-And I-I w-was also w-wondering if y-you wanted to s-sit-"
"Hello, Y/N! Would you like to sit with us?" The same guy with blue hair and glasses yelled, waving his hands in the air to catch your attention. "As class president, It is my duty to make you feel welcomed in UA and to make sure you are well-aquainted with everyone!"

The said girl sweatdrop, was it always that rowdy?

"Uhm, sure!"

You turned towards Midoriya,"Was that what you were going to ask?"
He nodded his head, starting to pace a few steps forward, urging you to follow in which you gladly did so.

You reached two tables connected to each other by the end, filled with students from your class who looked at you when you arrived.

"You can sit by me, Y/N!" A girl with brown hair cut short into a slight bob curling inwards with bright brown eyes said. "I'm Ochako by the way!"
"Nice to meet you, Ochako," You returned the smile Ochako gave you and placed your tray down, sitting in between Uraraka and another green haired girl.

"You already know my name so what's the point."

Uraraka giggled slightly, beaming as she and the rest of the class now looked at you with curiosity in what you were going to say.

"So mind telling me all your names? I'd like to get to know you guys more, if you don't mind."

"Tenya Iida," The blue guy immediately responded, holding his hand out for a shake whilst his glasses glinted. "Class president of Class 1-A. Nice to formally meet you now."

'Damn, this guy's formal as fuck. Seems like a nice guy though,' You thought, gripping his hand firmly."Likewise."

"I'm Tsuyu Asui but please refer to me as Tsu," The green haired female beside you spoke up, a wide smile on her face.

Your face morphed into an 'O' shape on how easily they were able to introduce themselves, holding an air of confidence as each one told you their name.

"Kirishima here!" The red head said, a sharp -literally- grin on his face as he pointed at himself.
He then pointed to a blonde haired guy with a black streak in his hair, who easily reminded you of Pikachu ."This doofus is Kaminari."

Kaminari lightly punched the arm of Kirishima as he said, "Dude, don't embarrass me infront of the pretty girl! I wanted to introduce myself, you know!" while Kirishima laughed sheepishly.You giggled along but turning a bit red at the compliment given by the electricity quirk user.

"Mina Ashido," A pink female spoke up from beside the rowdy too, peculiarly pink from hair down to her toes. "Don't mind these two, they have it for each other if you know what I mean."

"Hate to break it to you, Mina, but I like girls," Kaminari deadpanned, sweatdropping as Kirisima agreed along the lines, nodding his head vigorously.

"Or do you," The pinkette immediately retorted, the teasing leading to a friendly bicker between the two.

The male student with the bird-like head sighed, his arms crossed while he casually leaned against the canteen chair, "Please don't mind them, they're usually like this. I'm Tokoyami and I assume you've already met Momo."

You lifted your hand up to wave and the said girl returned it with her own. You beamed, watching as the last guy introduced himself with a sweatdrop.

"I'm Sero and no need to worry I'm not crazy like these guys,okay."

You let out a laugh, a hand covering your mouth as you giggled, letting the rest of the class break into laughter, joining in along.

This was going much better than you thought, hoping that it'll finally be the time where you can be happy, your past not trailing along.

But boy, were you wrong.
You'd bargain for more than you wanted, including the unknown factor that a couple of people would be trying to fight for your attention.
Unbeknownst to you, you were in for quite the ride.

|| Have it All by Jason Mraz||

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