BNHA55: PR!!So if you don't know what you need, you can leave it all to me

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I'd like to thank _kokorou_ my child for suggesting the song uwu
And ive adopted @CinnamonApple23

Exams passed by in a flash and before you knew it, you were already handing your last test paper to Aizawa, letting out a breath of relief as you cracked your fingers to release the tension in them. You were happy. At long last, the midterms were over and you were confident in your scores, praying to the ones above that you studied enough to pass.

"Yosh! That's the first time I didn't leave a blank!" You heard Kirishima cheer, turning your head to watch him pump his fist in the air excitedly.
"Me too!"
Kaminari and Mina immediately joined in, the trio doing what seemed to an uncoordinated yet still funny victory dance, satisfied with the knowledge that they had a chance to pass the written exams.

You smiled at their idiocy, wanting to join in their celebration as your class headed down the hall to the locker rooms to change for the final test. A nervous pit grew inside your stomachs and you felt like throwing up. Why the hell were you feeling this way?! Why did you all of a sudden want to run away and maybe take a huge dump?!

You took out your hero costume and let out a sigh, kinda feeling like you wanna go home and just crawl into a ball, maybe cry your eyes out, depending on your mood.
You began to change, your movements slow and shaky as you pulled the top over your head, the cold air in the room making goosebumps rise on your exposed skins. You buttoned your pants, latching on your bracelets and making sure they were already filled to the brim with retractable knives. You shoved your feet inside your custome made (heels/boots) and slammed your locker shut right after you tossed your uniform in carelessly.

"Why do you look like you're about to murder someone or murder yourself?" You heard a voice pipe from behind you, a hint of worry laced in her sweet voice. You turned around and hummed.
Ochako's question processed inside your head and you let out a chuckle, wondering how miserable you looked just at that moment.
"I dunno, man. Lately, I've been feeling so loco, you know, I've been feeling so crazy," You let out, clutching the necklace around your neck tightly. "I'm in the mood to tie my hair on a ceiling fan and go for a fucking spin."
"Please don't," Your brown-haired friend sweatdropped, questioning your mentality before pointing at the necklace wrapped around your neck. "Aren't you gonna take that off?"
"Hm?" Looking down to see what she was referring to, you scrunched your nose lightly, your mouth forming into a thin line as you began to wonder whether you should take it off or not. You looked up once you've made your mind and shrugged.
"Yeah, you're right. Give me a sec..."
Arms stretched out to reach behind your head, you tried to open the lock but hissed slightly, recieving slight pain from the touch. You looked at your hands with furrowed brows, surprised to see a drop of blood forming on your index finger.
"What the fuc-" You cursed, turning your back to Ochako and looking at her over your shoulder. "Mind giving me a hand?"
"Oh, yeah sure," She replied, dropping the towel she held in one hand while you lifted your hair up slightly for her to see the chain. Couple seconds later, you heard a slight click and the tightness around your neck loosened.

You grabbed the necklace before it could drop to the ground, placing it gently inside your locker with your mind at ease. Now, you were feeling happy, you still felt slightly nervous but the tension in your head dropped, your mind going back to same state as it was usually in.

"Let's go, yeah?" You urged, making one last note if you had everything with you. Bracelet filled with knives, Check! The refill chips for the bracelets, also Check! Your sage knives..Che- You patted your sides and felt around your pockets, where were your knives?

You shoved aside items on the bench, lifted up clothes to check if they were under, even going as far as to laying on the floor to see if any deadly weapons were there. Unfortunately, all you managed to find was a toy clown with a red balloon and a bit of coins.

Troubled to the End[[Various BNHA Characters x Reader!!]Where stories live. Discover now