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Harry winked at her as she made her way for her next class making her blush, fortunately they only shared one class or else he would have to face her love declaration poems again.

She was a nice girl. Blonde hair, blue eyes.... not so nice lips and really thin... what did he found attractive on her in the first place? And what did all the boys of the school find attractive? Maybe it was her vibe. Harry had to admit that she was pretty cool. But not his type. Definitely not his type.
He would have to face her though. But what would he say? Hey I kind of kissed you and had sex with you because I haven't done it with a girl for like 5 months and my crushes are mostly boys? Everyone knew that Harry was bisexual, he didn't hide it. No he was out of the closet since he was 13. It's just that for the past months he's been mostly into boys...only boys. Does this mean he's gay? Harry doesn't want to label himself, no. He had though, people are curious.

Putting his books in his locker he decided that he would tell her the truth. She would find out either way that he just used her. He closed his locker frustrated. Why would she even think that they are in a relationship now? They just fucked. "That's why it's always easier with boys" Harry said his last thought out loud.

"Chill out bro what happened?" Niall hugged him and then petted his hair. Harry smiled.
"Hey Nialler!" he hugged him back. "Nothing really, I'll fix it during lunch break tomorrow...what?"
"You'll dump food for fixing a nothing? What's wrong with you? It's food" Harry laughed.
"It won't take long anyway" The bell rings. "Shit I have to meet Ashton see ya later" Niall started running to the opposite direction.

Harry didn't have a problem with Niall leaving. He had many friends, actually now that he thinks of it he's rarely alone. Everyone wants to hang out with Harry Styles the most attractive and famous boy on the whole school and why wouldn't they?
But today he and his green eyes or his curly hair or his nice af body or his awesome friends weren't everyone's main interest. Everyone was talking about that new guy who was supposed to come tomorrow. What a bunch of idiots Harry thought. He grabbed his bag and left for his next lesson.

Sooooo this is the first story I've ever written so pls have mercy. This is just an introduction. I'm using the 5sos guys in the story (I'm not a big fan I just like them and wanted them to be on the story instead of some weird guys that I would have to come up with). There will also be Lashton hereee I hope you like the ship. I read about it on a larry fanfic and I really liked it. So I guess that's all for now. See ya on the next chapter. Kissy.

Edit: So I don't know why, but I just wanted to update this and say that 5sos are reeeally cool. And their songs are great!

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