Sleep well

300 18 25

Mood: This Town (by Niall Horan)

Harry walked in Louis' bedroom smiling and immediately looked around. He wanted to see how it was decorated, what colors Louis had chosen, how he had placed his stuff. He wanted to lay down on his bed and cuddle with him.

Louis seemed to love his house and his family and Harry already loved them too. He felt the need to create memories here too, more memories with Louis, his beautiful boyfriend.
He went to admire the view from the big window.

As he looked outside, he felt two strong arms hugging his waist.
Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder.
"Do you like it here? How's everyone?" He asked softly.

"I love this. Your family, the connection you have with them...your house, the"
Louis buried his head in the crook of Harry's neck, softly rubbing his lips against it.

"I love you too." He said and placed a soft kiss on his shoulder.
"Come in" Louis said when he heard someone knocking on the door.

"I came to tell you that I'm going with the girls to the park. You guys must be exhausted from your flight. Lottie will visit a friend so it'll be quiet here. If you decide to sleep..." Jay added and smiled at them.

"Oh we're definitely sleeping. It was a really tiring flight." Harry nodded.
"A rough flight I would say..." Louis smirked.

"Hey!" Harry pulled away to look at him but couldn't hold back a smile.
"Oh my god...well see you later boys. Oh and if you're hungry, the cookies are downstairs." Jay said as she closed the door and walked away laughing.

"Oh didn't..." Harry said as he turned around to face Louis.
"Keep telling that to yourself babe." Louis said and tiptoed to place a kiss on Harry lips.

He then proceeded to pull out his shirt and jeans and jumped on the bed, only in his boxers.
Harry shook his head laughing and after he took Louis' clothes from the floor and placed them on a chair, he did the same and laid next to him.

Louis moved closer to Harry resting his head on his chest as Harry wrapped his arms around him. He placed his leg on top of Harry and wrapped his left hand around his chest. Harry's hand found Louis'right one and intertwined their fingers.

Their eyes were closed, their heartbeats already slowing down.
Louis placed a kiss on Harry's chest as he whispered,
"Sleep well Haz."
"You too Lou." Harry answered and smiled knowing that as long as he was able to hold Louis, he would always sleep well.


"The pizza is heeere!" Daisy shouted excitedly.
Fizzy stopped the movie and started jumping on the couch.
"Louu go open the door! We want pizza!" She shouted.
"Yeah Lou we want pizza." Harry whispered to him.

They were all sitting on the couch watching a movie. Louis was sitting between Harry's legs resting his head on his chest. Harry let go of him as he stood up.
"Alright, alright jeez." He said and walked to the door.

He came back after a minute holding some big pizza boxes.
"Smells reeeally good." Lottie said as Jay returned from the kitchen with some plates.
"And it tastes really good too." Louis said with his mouth full as he sat down again.

Harry placed a kiss on his cheek as Jay gave him a plate too.
They were all focused on their pizza abd the movie.
Harry stopped eating and wrapped his hands around Louis again.

"Won't you eat?" He whispered.
"I prefer to hold you." Harry admitted.
Louis smiled and took Harry's plate.
"Then I suppose I'll have to help you." He grinned and placed Harry's slice near his lips. Harry took a small bite and then Louis ate too smiling.

"Can't believe I didn't get from the beginning that he was your boyfriend..." Lottie shook her head.

Harry and Louis smiled cheekily and moved even closer, if it was ever possible, to each other.

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