Figuring some things out

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I dedicate this to ishipBullshit1995. Thanks for your amazing support love.

Mood: Tell me a lie (by One Direction)

"So how's everything with Louis?" Niall asked Harry.
"It's pretty amazing actually. Though I must admit...lately he's a bit absent. Always...overthinking and...worrying too much most of the time. I mean...not in a way that I feel suffocated. No at all. I just...something's bothering him and I wanna know what-"

"Harryy" Nick was calling him from the other side of the hallway.
He run towards him.
"Hi" Harry said.
"Hey" he smiled.
"What do you want?"

"Woah okay jeez...relax." He patted his shoulder but didn't bother taking his hand away.
"I wanted to apologize."
"Sure you did" Harry nodded sarcastically.
"I'm serio- I mean...I really want to apologize. This isn't a joke."

"Yeah okay. Fine." Harry turned to Niall and pulled away Nick's hand.
He didn't leave though.
Harry sighed and looked at him again.
"What? You apologized. I said okay. You can go now."

"But I didn't apologize."
Harry sighed again.
"Niall go for lunch, I'll come in a minute." Niall nodded and left.
"Make it quick." Harry turned to Nick again.

"Yeah...well I'm sorry for what I Louis I mean..."
"You should apologize to Louis. Not me."
"I tried but he said I'm Sirious Black."

"What the hell?" Harry burst into laughter.
"Well...I was telling him that I was serious and he-"
"That's why you avoided telling me before?" Harry kept laughing.
"Yeah..." Nick scratched his neck. "I don't think I'll ever be able to use that word again."

"Wow..." Harry finally stopped laughing and tried to catch his breath.
"Well nice talking to you." He said then and turned to walk away.
" you forgive me?"
"Louis didn't so...nope."
"So now you do whatever he does?"
"No I just support him. Besides he was the one you hurt. And don't refer to him like that. His name is Louis."

"What happened to you? You used to rule the school. Have you gone soft?" Nick pussed Harry lighly to the wall and tried to lean in.

"I still do mate." Harry pussed him back.
"Yeah? Show me then."
"That you still rule the school."

"Wait let me get my crown." Harry said sarcastically.
"What's the crap Nick?"
"Maybe...I don't know do something with some chick. You haven't done anything in a while."

"Because if you haven't noticed, which you probably have because the whole school talks about it, I have a boyfriend."
"That didn't stop you before." Nick walked closer to Harry again.

"Well it does now. I think we're done here."
"For now."
"And you were serious." Harry smirked. "He's way prettier anyway."

Nick gasped and kept looking at Harry as he walked away.


Harry sighed.
"What is it love?"

He and Louis were sitting on his bed more like laying and talking. They had been out shopping new clothes. Louis was really excited. He couldn't wait for Harry to wear them and then steal them from him and wear them himself.

"David...he just won't stop texting."
"Well...I don't want to interfere...but you should block him."
"Haha. Yeah you don't. Anyways I just did."
Louis was deep in thought again.

"Lou? What is it? You know I can tell that something's bothering you. Since last week after that meeting with the team. I thought you said that the coach decided to vote for who's gonna be the captain next weak. So what's wrong? Are you nervous?"

"Harry? When did you first meet David?"
"Umm during the game? When he came to say that you played well even though the game hadn't finished yet."
"Yeah yeah right. But why did he talk to me and not Axel?" Louis was deep in thought again.

"Because Axel was in the other teams bench." Harry said casually.
"What?" Louis got up abruptly.
"How do you know that?"
"I saw him?"
"What was he doing?"
"He talked and then came back."
"And all that happened...just before the last goal." Louis gasped.

"Um...Lou? Are you okay?" Harry said confused.
"So he must have made something like a deal with them. To let him score and to not complain about the foul. And he knew that our team wouldn't complain because we won...That's where David is involved." Louis facepalmed.
Harry kept looking trying to understand what the hell was going on.

"But why's David still in the plan? That's why he's texting you?" He looked at Harry.
"And Nick wanted to apologize...why? Why? How would that help them? To get close to us? I think I'm missing something..."

"I think I'm missing a lot." Harry mumbled.

"Harry I need you to help me. I think I know how to prove what Axel and David did."

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