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Mood: I should have kissed you (by One Direction)

Harry woke up his head hurting.
He was on Louis' couch.
He tried to get up but he failed falling on the couch again.
He sighed. Why did he ever drink so much? Harry closed his eyes and tried to remember what happened last night.

Louis was kissing him passionately as he moved his hands feeling Harry's body. He felt his knees giving up as Louis' tongue explored every inch of his mouth. He moved his hands up and down under Louis' shirt feeling his bare back.

Harry remembered everything that happened until he decided to get drunk. He put his hands on his face.
"Fuck" he mumbled.
He stood up and walked to the kitchen.
He put his hands on the counter in an attempt to not fall down.
"You sure you can survive this Harold?" he heard a sarcastic voice behind him.
"Yes" Harry mumbled.
He turned to look at Louis.
He only wore a pair of trousers.
Harry gulped at the sight of his bare chest.
"Why did you drink so much?" Louis said as he gave Harry a glass of water.
"Thanks. Um I..." he drunk his water.
"You didn't look for Luke?" Louis was now in front of him looking at his expression carefully.
"I...I just I can't remember" he lied. "All I recall is um..." he looked at Louis who kept looking at him waiting for an answer.
"Arriving to the bar and dancing a bit before I started drinking." Harry hoped it wasn't too obvious that he was lying.
Louis sighed as he reached for his hair.
"Um okay then...yeah" he looked at Harry again. "I'll just should take a bath when you feel better. I'll go wake Luke and Ashton up."

The days passed quickly. They didn't talk again about the bar incident. Harry wanted to know what happened with Luke but he wouldn't ask. No. He wouldn't do anything that may resulted on discussing about the bar situation as he called it when he thought about it a.k.a. all the time.
They had school tomorrow and Harry was excited to finally see his friends. They'd probably had just returned. Harry turned off the lights and tried to sleep.


When Niall hugged him back he decided that it was about time to talk through this. He grabbed his friend's hand and led him to an empty classroom.

"Woah slow down" Niall giggled. "What happened?"
"I...Look." He took a deep breath.
"Me and Louis kissed. Not some random or simple kiss. We hooked up."
"When?" Niall asked shocked.
"New years Eve. At the bar." He answered quickly.
" Are you like together? It was an one time thing? What did he tell you?"
"Um...yeah...about that...I kind of freaked out and...I may or may not thought that I should get drunk and pretend I don't remember anything."
"No you didn't!" he exclaimed.
"Um I kind of did actually" Harry said as he sat on a desk.
"Why? Why did you do that?"
"I...I don't know! I freaked out! After the kiss everything would be different and I liked how we were. I like spending time with Louis. He's really funny and energetic and I...I was afraid that...I don't know what I was afraid of..." he put his hands on his face frustrated.

"Did you like it?" Niall asked calmly as he patted his shoulder.
"Very. Best hook up ever" he admitted biting his lip.
"Ok then why did you do this?"
"What if he didn't like it?" Harry said.
"If it was so good for you it was probably good for him too. It takes two to tango." Niall pointed out.
"I just...I think I like Louis...but it's different. It's not like...all the other hook's not just physical and I was scared to face him."
"It's okay Harry." Niall hugged him. "You should tell him the truth though."
"I don't think he feels the same way Niall" Harry admitted. "I should probably keep my distance before it gets worse and try to distract myself."

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