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Mood: Walking in the wind (by One Direction)

Zayn woke up by a loud noice. He breathed deeply and focused to hear what was happening. Someone was at the door. He tried to move but Liam was on top him, hugging him tightly so it was a bit difficult. Not opening his eyes he pushed him softly.

"Liam" he said sleepily.
"Li" he repeated.
Liam took a deep breath and Zayn knew he was awake now.
"Lima bean."
"What's going on?" Liam said sleepily.
"Someone's at the door" Zayn yawned.
"What time is it?" Liam said annoyed.
Zayn looked at his phone.
"It's almost 7."
"What the hell?"
The noise got louder.
"Go" Zayn pushed him again.
"Of course." Liam said sarcastically. "Of course it'll be me. The prince charming needs his beauty sleep" he mocked Zayn as he stood up.
Zayn smiled and turned to sleep again.

Liam walked down.
"Coming just stop it!" he said annoyed by the noise.
"Finally!" he heard Harry saying.
"What the hell?" he said as he opened the door.
"Where's Zayn?" Harry said as he entered the house quickly.
"What? On his bed. What's going on?" Liam asked confused.
Harry rushed to Zayn's bedroom.
"Zayn!" he said as soon as he got in.
Zayn sighed.
"What is it? Some people sleep you know?"

Harry turned him around so he could look at him.
"Did you talk with Louis?" he asked.
"What? No" Zayn yawned.
"When did you last speak with him?" Harry asked, now shaking him.
"Um...woah stop geez. I don't know? Yesterday morning? Why?"
"Fuck" Harry facepalmed.
"What's going on Harry?" Liam asked as he laid down again.
"He left." Harry said looking outside from the window.
"Where to?" Zayn asked calmly.
"Doncaster." Harry looked down.
"Well he wanted to see his family so it seems logical to me." Liam said while making himself comfortable.
Zayn nodded.
"No you don't understand." Harry turned to look at them.
"We had a really bad fight. For something important. And...he left."
"You mean no turning back?" Liam asked surprised.
"Yeah" Harry whispered.

"Doesn't sound like Louis to me" Zayn said still calm.
"How can you be so fucking calm?" Harry asked.
"I told you" Zayn answered. "It doesn't sound like Louis to me."
"I saw him leaving Zayn. He bought a ticket. He was at the airport." Harry said annoyed. "Or do you think it was a clone?" he's tone changed to sarcasm.
"I'm saying that you've probably got something wrong" Zayn explained still calm.
"He clearly said that he's leaving for Doncaster." Harry wanted to shout at him. Was it so hard for him to understand that Louis was gone?
"And that means that he's not coming back?" he said.
"Yea-" Harry suddenly stopped.

"Ashton I'm going back to Doncaster. I wanted to inform you so that you won't be worried. I-"

Harry never heard Louis' full message.
What if Zayn was right? Harry needed to know and he needed to know now.

"Harry? Mate you still there?" Liam asked.
"No. I'm leaving." He run to leave but then he turned back and kissed Zayn's head. "I owe you one" He said as he run downstairs and shut the door behind him.

"What the hell just happened?" Liam looked at Zayn confused.
"I saved the day. Again." Zayn said smirking.
"You did huh?" Liam was now on top of him smirking too.
"Aha." Zayn nodded. "And I think I need a reward." he whispered.
"Something specific that you have in mind?" Liam said seductively.
"Maybe." Zayn grabbed Liam's shirt and pulled his closer.
"Someone's turned on" Liam noticed.
"Yeah. Reeeally turned on. And you..." he licked his lips, really close to Liam now, "have to do something about it."
"Oh I will." Liam said as placed a kiss on Zayn's neck. "I will babe."

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