Snow angels

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I dedicate this to harrysthots.

Mood: Midnight Memories (by One Direction)

"Ready." Louis put on his jacket.
"Great lets go" Harry took Louis hand and opened the door.
"It's snowing again." Louis looked up.
"I mean I love snow." Harry said as they walked holding their hands.
"Yeah me too" Louis chuckled.
"So where to?" Harry asked.
"I don't feel like clubbing" Louis admitted.
"Then we should just do whatever you like. Run around, dance, sing" Harry run to a street lamp and hugged it. "We should build a snowman! Or swim!"
Louis burst into laughter.
"You're crazy!"
"C'mon" Harry started running.
"Hey wait for me" Louis shouted as he run behind him.
"Catch me!" Harry shouted as he run, reaching the park which was decorated with Christmas lights.

"Catch me!" Harry shouted as he run, reaching the park which was decorated with Christmas lights

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Louis laughted as he run chasing Harry.
"Run now that you can Styles!" he shouted.
"All I hear is empty words." Harry giggled.
"Catch me Lou" He said as he continued running through the park.
Suddenly he felt two arms wrapping around his waist.
He heard Louis laugh from behind him.
Harry tried to leave but Louis wouldn't let him. He turned around to look at him.
"Empty words huh?" Louis smirked.
Harry laughted as he tried to leave again but failed, falling down on the snow.
Louis fell on top of him laughing.
His eyes were sparkling as he laughed loudly, his cheeks were red and his hair messed up.
"Your nose is red Rudolph." Louis said giggling.
Harry laughted.
His hands rested on Louis' waist.
Louis started petting Harry's curls.
"We're definitely gonna be ill tomorrow." Louis pointed out.
"True. Should we go somewhere and drink some hot tea or chocolate?"
"It's midnight." Louis chuckled.
"I'm sure there's a twenty four hour cafe nearby."
"Then a hot tea would be great" Louis said as they stood up.


Harry looked outside as he took a sip from his tea.
"Thanks for tonight" Louis said.

Oh it's not over" Harry looked at him with a playful smirk.
"What do you have in mind?" he chuckled.
"Come." Harry stood up.
"Where are we going?" Louis put on his jacket.
"You are going outside. I'll be there in a minute." Louis raised his eyebrow.
"Just do it" Harry pushed him softly.
Louis walked out confused. He looked around as he waited for Harry. An old lady passing through wished him Merry Christmas.
"Merry Christmas to you too" he waved back.
He had forgotten it was Christmas Eve,he smiled as he remembered Harry smiling with his red nose.
"I'm back." Harry said from behind him.
"Close your eyes" he said when Louis turned around.
He did as Harry said.
"Why?" he giggled.
"Just wait." Harry took his hand and started walking.
"Where are we going?"
"Just keep your eyes closed." He heard Harry saying from his right.

"You can open them now" Harry said.
Louis opened his eyes.
They were back at the place where they fell down half an hour ago.
Harry was holding a small birthday cake.
"How did you...Harry!" Louis blushed.
"I bought it from the cafe." He explained. "It's not much but-".
"It's great" Louis said smiling widely.
"Glad you like it."

"I can't believe you made me forget it's actually Christmas Eve" he mumbled.
They ate the cake and they were now sitting on a bench nearby.
"But you-"
"An old lady wished me merry Christmas when I was waiting for you outside the cafe" Louis explained.
"Oh. Well that means that I aced my mission."
Louis rested his head on Harry's shoulder.

"Lou?" Harry asked after a couple minutes of silence.
"Mhmm?" Louis said sleepily.
"I never thanked you" he said.
"For what?" Louis asked.
"For my bandanna." Harry said casually.

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