Love me blue

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I dedicate this to becka117. Miss you. Have a wonderful day nonetheless.

Mood: BLUE (by Zayn Malik)

The weather was getting warmer, the sun appeared more and more as the days passed and the flowers everywhere had blossomed.

The spring had arrived and noone stayed untouched from her presence.
The spring break was couple minutes away and everyone waited anxiously for the last bell to ring.

After school they would all meet at the beach to celebrate and swim for the first time this year, well not the first for Louis and Harry. They had already swum during their amazing date from which Harry was now having mental images.

He was holding his head with his hand while looking at the sky outside and smiling, or more like fonding.
He could clearly see his beautiful angel.

He was pushing the water away with his strong, tattooed arms in an attempt to reach Harry. His blue, sparkling eyes were narrowed and his fringe was all over his forehead. His muscles tensed as he moved his hands and created bubbles.

He was looking at his eyes and Louis was looking back at him. He moved his hands to reach Louis and created bubbles do. Louis capped his face and leaned in to kiss him.

Someone kicked his chair. He looked around. It was Niall from behind him.
He looked at their teacher in front of him.

"And that's what happens when you fell in love..." she pointed at Harry and some laughed while others smiled. "And I'm saying this because, after the spring break, that's going to be our new project's topic. Love."

Harry smiled at her and she smiled back.
"Have fun everyone. But not too much." She said as the bell rang.
Everyone walked out smiling.


They were at the beach and the others were unpacking. Well, except from Louis. He grabbed a chair and sat down smiling.

"I'm normally the one who just pretends to be busy the whole time..." Zayn could hear Louis say and Niall laughed.

Liam next to him smiled too. They had walked to a store nearby to buy some drinks and they were now almost back. As Zayn was walking he heard Liam stop abruptly, so he turned to see what was going on.

Liam picked up a small and quite fragile but nonetheless beautiful blue flower. He looked at Zayn who was smiling at the sight and walked closer to him.

Liam gave the flower to him but before Zayn could take his hand away, he intertwined their fingers, the flower still between them. They both smiled and leaned in to kiss. Their lips moved slowly but rhythmically.

It was a pure, gentle kiss that made their heartbeats go faster meeting the rhythm of the waves close to them.

"I love you..." Liam said feeling Zayn's breathing on his lips.
"I love you too." Zayn mumbled breathless.

Their lips moved again slowly and their intertwined fingers, hugged the flower between them tighter.

They looked at each other, not pulling away and all they could see was each others eyes.

"Love me blue..." Zayn said and Liam kissed him again gently.
"I'll love you blue..." He mumbled.

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