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I dedicate this to ishipBullshit1995. Thanks for everything love.

Mood: Ready to run (by One Direction)

"Hahaha what the hell Zayn" Harry laughed as they walked heading to their lockers.
"I'm here" Zayn pointed at his locker.
"Yeah see you later" he waved.
Harry kept walking heading to his locker.

Suddenly he felt someone grabbing his waist and before he knew it he was in the janitors closet.
"What the f-" he said annoyed but someone closed his mouth with his hand.
"It's me" Louis said.
"Why did you have to drag me here like that then? I mean you could ask me."
"Cause it's funnier that way" Louis said casually.
"Oh yeah of course" Harry said sarcastically.
"I'm the sass master here. Stop it" Louis said.
"Why did we have to meet here anyway? I mean this is the sin closet."
"The what?"
"The sin closet. Ashton and Luke had sex in here and I'm sure it has happened lots of times."
"I didn't need that information" Louis said.
"But you asked."
"Shut your fooking little mouth love" Louis said moving closer.
"Ohh now I get it. That's why we're in the sin closet. Thought you'd prefer beds." Harry teased.
"We're here because I want to ask you something." Louis explained.
"If I'm loud when I-"
"No!" Louis interrupted him. "How did you know I didn't want to enter the team and was looking for an excuse?"
"It was pretty obvious" Harry answered.
"Calum didn't seem to notice."
"Because he's Calum?"
"Oh yeah..."

"Soooo?" Harry asked.
"So what?
"Why? Why you don't wanna join the team?"
"Um to make a long story short, um some guys don't want someone like me in their team. I don't know about the guys here but that was the deal back at High School. When they found out um they didn't quite like it."
"Bullshit. They were a bunch of idiots. Here we're not like that. It's quite surprising how many homosexual people we have at our college."
"Yeah I noticed. That's why I was actually thinking about joining the team. I really enjoy playing soccer."
"Then you should join. I promise you noone will say anything. It's not something new here."
"You're probably right." Louis said smiling now. "I guess I just needed a reassurance."
Harry smiled back.
Louis hugged him burying his face in Harry's neck. "Thanks Haz."
"No problem Lou." he kissed Louis forehead.


"Calum!" Louis shouted.
"Hey Louis!" he turned around.
"I decided. I'm coming to the tryouts."
"What?! Oh fucking yeah. Coach gonna be so happy!"
"Why don't you marry him already Calum?" Louis asked sarcastically.
"Haha" he rolled his eyes.

"Hood!" they heard someone from behind them.
"Axel? What's up?" Calum said casually.

(That's how I imagine Axel but without  tatoos)

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(That's how I imagine Axel but without  tatoos)

He came closer.
He looked at Louis for a second.
"Today's practice canceled" he said.
"Okay then" Calum answered.
"Hi. I'm Axel" he introduced himself to Louis.
"I'm Louis" he smiled.
"So you wanna be the new captain?" he asked looking at him.
"I just wanna try to enter the team."
"Bullshit. You don't have to come to the tryouts. Coach desperately wants you in the team."
"Then I guess he'll tell me that himself at the tryouts. Now excuse me I have things to do." Louis walked away smirking because he heard Calum laugh behind him.

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