Ocean blue eyes

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I dedicate this to queen5NewBrokenScene because I love her stories and she's really sweet.

Mood: Little Things (by One Direction)

"Why would you do that Louis? What the fuck is your problem?" Harry stood protectively in front of Nick. He had already helped him to stand up.
Louis was shocked.
"No Harry it was N-" Liam looked worried.
"I'm bleeding" Nick said.
"Shut up Liam. Just shut up. Why didn't you help Nick?"
"That's what I'm trying to sa-"
"You'll just stand there and look at me? Not have the guts to punch him now?" Harry was looking at Louis now.
"Harry..." Liam tried to explain.
Louis was silent.
"Shut the fuck up!" Harry turned to Louis again "I was starting to think that you were a nice guy, turns out I was right from the start. You are a fucking asshole wh-"
"Shut your fucking mouth. You don't even know what happened." Louis said furious.
"Stop talking all of you if you don't want to be expelled!" the principal looked even more angry than Harry and Louis. "Grimsawh, Tomlinson go to the nurse now and then straight to my office. Styles, Payne come with me. Now."
Everyone obeyed. Louis headed quickly to the nurse's office. Nick following after Harry hugged him.
"Where's Nboy?" Liam whispered to Harry as they followed the principal to his office. Harry looked around.
"He probably saw the principal coming and run off" Harry guessed.
"That bastard! He won't get away with this though."
"What?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"So? Will you start talking?" he asked impatiently.
Liam narrated everything that happened. From how he found Louis struggling to breathe to how Harry though that Louis had started a fight.
Harry remained silent.
So it was Nick and Nboy who attacked Louis...Harry was shocked. He felt like the guilt was killing him. He gulped.
The principal nodded deep in though as Liam finally reached the end of the story.
"Mr. Simon can I talk to you for a second?" one of their teachers interrupted them.
"Sure. Wait here." he left making sure to let Louis and Nick in first. They had just returned from the nurse.

Louis stopped as soon as he walked in and stared at the floor. Nick walked closer to Liam and Harry.
"Are you okay?" Harry asked worried.
Louis waited for Nick's answer but that never came because he suddenly felt two strong arms wrapping around him and it was Harry who pulled him into his embrace. Harry hugged him tighter and pulled him closer to his chest. Louis' head rested on Harry's torso.
Louis was shocked. He slowly hugged Harry back smiling.
"I'm sorry Lou" he whispered.
Louis answered by hugging him tighter.

"Well you are lucky" Harry pointed out.
"Yeah I'm so lucky. I'm going to stay for detention after school all week. Great. I'm so excited." Louis rolled his eyes.
"Hahahahaha" Niall couldn't help but laugh.
"Watch it Neil" Zayn teased "you're gonna fall"
They were sitting on a bench trying to relax before their next lesson.
"You know what I mean" Harry wined "you prefer Nick and Nboy's punishment? Would you like to have detention for a month?" Louis rolled his eyes. "Thought so" Harry finished.
"Sometimes you're so full of yourself." Louis looked at Harry with a smirk. "It's disturbing really."
Zayn laughed loudly.
"Sometimes?" Calum said.
"What did you say Tomlinson? Can't hear your from down there." Harry smirked back at Louis.
"Oh no you didn't" Michael chuckled.
"He is so small though" Luke said.
"Oh give me a break. I'm big." Louis was now on top of the bench looking down at them.
"See?" he said smiling.
"Okay Louis we get it. You're big." Harry said sarcastically. "Now get down."
"Nope" Louis started jumping.
"God. You made me do this Louis." Harry grabbed Louis bridal style and carried him to their lockers.
"Put me down Styles! This isn't funny!" he laughed until he was breathless and Harry couldn't help but admire him.
He couldn't help but admire his beautiful smile that made him melt, his cheekbones, his feathered hair and his eyes. God his eyes. So damn beautiful Harry thought.

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