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I dedicate this to ishipBullshit1995 because she read and voted my for story and I really appreciate it. Thanks love.

Mood: Fireproof (by One Direction)

"Comiiing" Niall said.
He opened the door. Harry greeted him.
"I brought him" he pushed Ashton in.
"I'm not in the mood guys. Why can't you just accept that?" he said.
"Because Luke's gonna be here and we want you to talk things out" Niall said.
"You don't even know what happened are you kidding me?" he took off his jacket and walked to the kitchen.
"True. But we know that you're not fine and neither is Luke. We want you both to be happy" Harry pointed out.
"Well that's obviously not gonna happen if Luke doesn't answer his phone to me or Michael." Ashton opened a beer.

"We talked, me and Michael." He continued "and I know what happened. It's a big misunderstanding. He jumped to inaccurate conclusions. If only Luke picked up his phone or answered his door..." he sighted "I can fix this. I know I can. I just need one more chance." He took a sip of his drink.

And that's what you'll get." Harry said "Luke's coming tonight so you better be sober to talk things out."
Niall took Ashton's beer away from him. Ashton gave them a weak smile.
"So where's everyone?" he asked.
"The crowds will probably arrive in half an hour" Niall answered. "Zayn and Liam are already here. They are upstairs picking outfits. And I should be too" Niall run upstairs.

Ashton looked at Harry.
"Harry I...I know I owe you an explanation...about everything but I...I mean I'm tryin-"
"You owe me nothing Ashton." Harry said.

"I actually do. I've been meaning to tell you...not just about me but also about me" he took a deep breath.

Ashton. I know." Harry said.
"What? You know? About me? Or about me and L-"
"Everything" Harry said calmly.
Ashton was speechless.
"How?" he mumbled.
"I've noticed" He smiled softly.
" didn't could have told me! I wanted someone to talk about this!" he said.
"I wanted to wait until you'd be ready to tell me yourself" Harry explained.
"I was ready. But Luke...he wants us to wait."
"I mean it's probably hard for him to come out of the closet. Give him time." Harry patted his shoulder.
"That's what I'm doing." he said.
"And you're doing it great" Harry reassured him.
Ashton hugged him tightly.
"Thanks" he said.
"No problem Ash" Harry hugged him back.


"No I'm wearing that" Zayn said.
"Will you two come down? The house is already packed" Niall interrupted them.
"Coming" Liam said. "Give me my shirt Z"
"Nope" Zayn put Liam's shirt on and run down.
"Asshole" Liam said smirking.

The music was really loud. The place was full.
Harry was trying to make his way through the crowd to the kitchen.
"God I made it in one piece" he said taking a deep breath when he reached the kitchen.
"Unfortunately" he immediately recognized the voice.
"Always so sassy?" he replied while getting a beer from the fridge.
"Oh you haven't seen anything sweetheart" he replied.
Harry turned to face him.
Louis was wearing a black low cut top with his famous black skinny jeans that, like always, perfectly showed his ass.

Louis was wearing a black low cut top with his famous black skinny jeans that, like always, perfectly showed his ass

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"Enjoining the view Styles?" he walked closer to him.
"Am I not allowed to?" he smirked.
"Oi someone got some nerve" Louis put his hands on the kitchen counter looking up at Harry who was now licking his lips with a playful smirk.
"Anyone ever told ya that you look like a puppy sometimes?" Louis couldn't resist.
"There's always first time for everything" Harry answered.
"Yeah that's true." He leaned in, his lips parted.
Harry looked at him with lust.
Louis whispered, "I think you should change my nickname" now looking at Harry's lips.
"To what?" Harry whispered not taking his eyes from Louis.
"To" Louis backed away, "Tommo the tease." he winked at Harry who just stared at him speechless.
"That's my revenge for yesterday, if you still didn't get it." he turned to leave, "oh and Harry? Wipe that drool from your face."
Harry mumbled "fuck."

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