Wrong number

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I dedicate this to All_the_love19. Love ya.

Mood: Heart attack (by One Direction)

Harry run after Axel shouting his name.
"Axel stop!" he said as he grabbed his hand and stopped him abruptly.
"What do you want Harry?" he said furious.
"Why are you so angry?" Harry asked. "I thought that we figured it out."
"That we figured it out?" Axel said even angrier now.
"We never figured out anything! You were fucking him!" he pointed to the changing room's direction.

"What the hell? We were kissing!" Harry defended himself.
"You were about to fuck. You would fuck. Even if you didn't fuck you or him would-"
"No. I wouldn't do anything more." Harry admitted and it was the truth.
Axel looked at him breathing heavily.
"What do you mean?" he asked.

"I like him and I want to do everything properly. I wouldn't do something like that now. Not like that."
"What?" Axel gasped.
"You heard me" Harry nodded.
Axel remained frozen for a while.
"Why did you follow me?" he asked with a much calmer voice.
"Because I don't want you to do anything stupid."

"You may have used me, played with me, broke up with me while I was in love with you, used me for months only for sex after our break up, damped me then again and not even talking to me until that day when I told you to visit me...and I may have just saw you sucking HIS face but I'm not gonna suicide about all this. So you don't have to worry."

"I meant stop you from reacting badly and do something to Louis. I haven't forgotten...and as for all the other things you said I'm not proud...but not all of them are true anyway."

"So...you came after me because of him?"
"Yeah. Yeah I did."
"I never wanted to take revenge for what you did to me. Couple minutes ago if I had the chance to have you back I'd grab it not thinking twice. But now...I'll get my revenge. And you'll hurt as much as I did. Watch me destroy your little bitch and prepare because you'll have to find a new one." Axel turned around leaving Harry speechless.


"Yes?" Luke answered. "What's up?"
"Luke, is Louis with you?" Harry asked as he walked to Niall's house.
"No. I'm with Ashton, Michael and Calum. Why?"
"I just..." he sighed as he knocked Niall's door. "Nothing. I have to go. Thanks."
"Um okay? You kn-" Luke started but Harry had already hung up.

"Hey mate." Niall leaned to hug him.
"Is Louis here?" he asked as he looked around.
"No?" Niall said as he closed the door.
"Damn it." Harry sighed again.
"What happened? Again?" Niall asked.
"I don't know...he left and his phone is turned off and I don't know where he is. And I have to speak to him and I have to see if he's fine and-"
"Woah. Cheel." Niall pushed him on the couch. "Try calling Zayn."
"Yes Zayn." Harry said running his fingers through his hair nervously.


"Um okay...I should probably give you a heads up." Liam agreed.
Suddenly Zayn's phone rang.
They looked at him as he answered.

"Zayn is Louis there?"
"Yeah" Zayn said looking at them.
"Who is it?" Louis asked.
"Don't tell him you're talking to me. Please." Harry said quickly.
"Okay" he mumbled.
"Is he okay?"
"Zayn?" Liam said.
"Thanks god." Harry took a deep breath. "I'm coming. Don't let him leave."
"Okay" Zayn answered as Harry hung up.
He looked at them as he sat down.
"Well? Who was it?" Louis asked again.
"Wrong number."

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