Messing around

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Mood: Rock me (by One Direction)

Everyone had already left. Louis had just came back from talking to the coach.
"Soooo ready to lose?" Louis said smiling cheekily as he started playing with the ball.
"I mean this is totally unfair" Harry said as he approached Louis, looking at the ball. "You should go easy with me."
"Hmm" Louis started moving to prevent Harry from taking the ball.
"I don't know...why should I do that?"
They were playing normally now.
"Because...ummm" Harry tried to think of something.
"Because you're not good at soccer." Louis said.
"Noo. I am good at soccer" Harry said struggling to get the ball from Louis.

"Yeah I can see that" he chuckled.
"You know what? You are really good that's the problem here." Harry said cheekily.
"Oh really?" he started running taking the ball with him.
"Yep. That's why you should go easy with me." Harry run after him.
"Hahahaha" Louis laughed loudly. "Sometimes you're unbelievable Harold."

They played for an hour. Laughing and falling down all the time. Well Harry did and Louis mocked him.
Louis had so much fun and he could see that Harry was having too.

He smiled at the thought. Harry was a bit sweaty but Louis thought that sweat looked good on him. He smirked. Harry was breathing heavily, running his hand through his hair every time his curls fell on his face. His tight shirt was now even more sexy on him with the sweat making his abs more visible.
Suddenly Louis saw Harry's chest moving close to him and now Harry was smirking with the ball between his foot.

Louis stopped and gasped.
"Ha! I did it! I got the ball!" Harry kicked the ball to the net with great force cheering.
"But I was distracted! You-" Harry closed his mouth with his hand.
"I got the ball!" he said again.
Louis moved Harry's hand.
"Nooo" he giggled. "Nope. It doesn't count!" he started walking back slowly with a smirk.
"It does" Harry smirked and started walking towards Louis.
"Nope. It doesn't." he shooked his head backing away.

"It does" Harry sped up still smirking.
"Nooo." Louis giggled and turned to start running.
"Don't-" Harry started but it was too late. Louis started running towards the other side of the soccer field.
Harry laughed and followed him.
"How the tablets have turned Harold!" Louis shouted as he run.
Harry laughed and chased after him.

Louis slowed down to catch his breath and Harry sped up. He managed to wrap his arms around his waist and pulled him down with him. Harry looked at Louis, under him, who kept laughing out of breath.
"How the tables have turned...yeah I'll agree with that" Harry said smirking.
They continued laughing trying to catch their breaths.
"So I wasn't that bad right?"Harry asked.
"Ummm sure..." Louis said.
"I wasn't" Harry nodded smirking.
"If you say so..." Louis smirked.

Harry started tickling him making him burst into laughter.
"Noo stop Harry" Louis managed to say.
"Only if you admit that I was good" Harry said and continued tickling him.
"Okay" he laughed again loudly. "Okay you were."
"I was what?" Harry asked still tickling him.
"You were good. I admit...stop now." he said out of breath.
"Okay. See? It was that simple." Harry stopped and laid down next to Louis.
Louis rolled his eyes breathing heavily again, big smile on his face.

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