Little bastard

422 20 26

Mood: Illusion (by One Direction)

Harry was walking heading to the main hallway to meet his friends.
Louis hadn't showed up for their first class. He didn't answer Harry's text so he figured that Louis was still sleeping.

One new message from Boyfriend

Harry almost screamed and immediately opened his phone to see the text.


Harry giggled and rushed to the main hallway

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Harry giggled and rushed to the main hallway. He couldn't wait to hold Louis in his arms. To kiss his soft lips. To look at his blue, sparkling eyes, to hear him calling him boyfriend. He felt his cheeks burn as he grinned.

"Hey guys." Harry said.
"Haarryy" Niall said and high fived him.
Harry scanned the hallway for Louis, it wasn't difficult to find him though.
And when green met blue Louis jumped into Harry's arms.

Harry leaned in and crashed his lips on Louis'. He wrapped his arms around his waist and let this amazing feeling take over him. Louis capped Harry's cheek and wrapped his other hand around Harry's neck as always.

After a moment they pulled away and smiled at each other.
"Shall we go for a walk outside?" Louis asked.
"Yeah. I'd love that."
They walked out ignoring everyone's stares.

They were the two most popular guys in the whole school and they both new that as soon as they showed PDA everyone would be talking about them. They didn't thought for a moment not to though.

"Aw aren't they the cutest thing you've ever seen?" Niall said.

"Well yeah...after Ash." Luke agreed.

"Guys have you seen Louis? I'm supposed to tell him that we have a meeting after school with the coach. Axel wants to say something to him and the team in general...?" Calum said as he sat next to Harry.

"Well he had maths so...probably still there? Or...somewhere?" Harry looked around as he started eating his poutine.
"Or with someone..." Niall said smirking.
Harry stopped chewing and looked at him. He slowly swallowed and then got up.
"I have to...go do something." He said and walked out of the cafeteria.
"Sure you do." Niall laughed.


Louis was walking towards the cafeteria. He heard someone calling his name. He sighed.
"What now?"

"Haven't seen you in a while." Nick said.
"And you had now because? Oh wait I know. To ruin my mood? Look Nill or whatever is your name...let's play a game. You continue not talking to me. Let's create a high score shall we?"

"Woah slow down." Nick chuckled.
"I wanted to apologize."
Louis started laughing.
"Wow that was a good one."
"I'm serious Louis." He looked at him annoyed.
"Sirius Black?"

"What? No. I...ugh I'm sorry that's all. I also want to apologize to Harry. Do you know where I can find him?"
"Nope." Louis said and walked away.
"Okay I'll tell him later!" He heard him shouting.
"No you won't." Louis said to himself  as he continued walking.

He didn't know if Nill was telling the truth about being sorry. He didn't know and he wasn't eager to know either. What he wanted was him to stay away from Harry. Not because he didn't trust Harry, but because he didn't trust him. He had a bad feeling about all this but he was hoping everything would be okay eventually.


Harry kept walking looking for Louis.
"Hey Harry!"
He turned around only to see David. The captain of the team that Louis' beat yesterday.

"Hi. What are you doing here?"
"What you thought that we came all the way here just to play a game?" he chuckled. "We'll stay here for a couple of days but sadly we'll have to follow your schedule and do homework. I mean at least that way I can see your pretty face more often so it gets better." He winked at him and took a step closer.

"Oh that's nice" Harry said.
"It sure is." David smirked.
"I have to go now. See ya." Harry walked away.

When he reached the corner of the hallway and turned he fell on someone.
"Sorry I was, Lou?"
"Yep it's me the Tommo."
Harry chuckled and wrapped his arms around Louis' neck.
"So because it's Lou you don't have to apologize?" Louis smirked.

"Oh I'm sorry your highness." Harry said sarcastically.
"Bow" Louis smirked.
"I was thinking of something else but okay." He took a step back and bowed lightly.
"What else?" Louid asked curious.
"It doesn't matter now." Harry started walking.
"But I want to know!" Louis said as he followed him.

"Too bad." Harry smirked.
"You little bastard."

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