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I dedicate this to Rameee24 because I love her. Thank you for everything love.

"Your project is due...Harry Styles?"
Their teacher stopped talking and looked at Harry.
"Harry Styles" her voice was louder this time.
Everyone was looking at him.
Harry was daydreaming.

"Hi" he mumbled.
"You should definitely be more careful with that. We don't want it broken, do we?" smirk still on his face.
Harry wanted to grab him and make this stupid smirk disappear from his face.
"Cat got your tongue? You don't seem really talkative to me...thought you were the school's bad boy and stuff" he said full of ass sass I meant sass Harry thought.
"You wanna know what I think?" Harry replied looking deeply into the boy's eyes, "I think that I can do whatever I want. That's what I think"
"Wow someone remembered he can actually speak!" the boy claped his hands making Harry even more frustrated.
"What's your fucking problem mate?" he said aggressively. Was it aggressive enough though? The boy kept smiling. Smirk stuck on his face.
"Mine? I don't have a problem...MaTe. You probably have though because it seems that my actually right next to yours." the boy proceeded to casually opening his locker and putting some of his stuff in.
Harry turned his back to him and left.
Why was he sweating? And he really needed to slow down. He stopped and relaxed on the wall "Shit shit shit pull your shit together Styles" he mumbled to himself. He took a deep breath and headed for his next lesson.

Harry realized he had been daydreaming. He slowly turned and looked at his classmates then his teacher.
"Alright chill out" he said calmly.
Everyone laughed, the girls looked at him whipped and his friends sent him approving smiles.
Harry catched a glance of the new boy rolling his eyes disapprovingly.
He smiled.

"Watch it Mr

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"Watch it Mr.Styles I can easily give you detention and extra school work and you wouldn't want that would you?" Harry started laughing.
"Do whatever you want darling. I'm out of here" he winked at her, grabbed his book and left.

 I'm out of here" he winked at her, grabbed his book and left

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He sat under a tree and closed his eyes. Everything was clear at the moment. He finally came to his sences. He likes attention and that boy is a threat. That's why he feels that way. Harry sighed relieved. He smiled and texted Nick.

Meet me in the boy's bathroom in 5min. I have a surprise for ya;-)

Lunch break

"He's gay" Ashton said "everyone's talking about it. The girls are disappointed but some of them still have hope that he'll notice them"
"Do you think he's with Zayn? Like a couple I mean" Liam asked
"Nah they are bros" Niall continued eating his poutine.
"I love poutine" Harry returned to their table
"How many did you have already?" Calum asked shocked
"I -on't know...six?" Niall started laughing
"So there are some rumors that you don't like the new one" Liam said
"I mea- it's not -ike I care" Harry continued eating.
"But do you?"
"I don't really know to be honest."

Harry reached his locker only to see Louis next to Zayn, Luke and Michael. They seemed to get along really well.
Ashton waited for Harry to get everything he needed.
"Hey Ashton" Luke waved at him.
"Hey guys 'sup?"
"Fine I guess" Michael replied casually.
"Harry you know that you're gonna get in trouble after what happened right?" Luke said.
"I mean if there's one thing I like about myself is that I know really well that my actions have consequences" Harry leaned to his locker.
"Don't pull the deep shit card Harold" the boy rolled his eyes
"Harold?" Harry looked at him with a smirk.
"Harold" he smiled sarcastically.
Harry rolled his eyes and just as he was about to answer he felt someone hugging him tightly. He turned and saw Nick.
"Should we meet up again this hour?"
"Already missed my tongue down your throat?" Harry teased.
"You bet I do" Nick winked "Just text me" he said and followed his friends.
"Maybe" Harry smiled.
"Glad I survived that" Zayn said "excuse me now I have to get to class"
"Boooring" Harry yelled after him.
Zayn didn't bother to answer so he just sent him the middle finger.
Harry chuckled.
"So you're actually gay?" the boy asked.
"No" Harry replied " I'm bi. Why is there a problem?"
"You got me wrong Styles. I'm not a homophobic shit. I'm actuall-
"Sorry guys but Luke and I have to go. Mr. Jones is going to kill us if we're late again" Ashton waved and they followed Zayn.

"You know what? I just realized that you haven't told me your name" Harry pointed out.
"And you think you need it right now because...?" he asked.
"God a simple name would be fine you know."
"But were's the fun in that?" He approached Harry, and while tiptoeing he whispered to his ear making him shiver,
"If you want my name so you can scream it when I fuck you, then I'll gladly tell you."
He stepped back and said smirking,
"It's Louis Tomlinson."

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