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I dedicate this to Rameee24. Love ya.

Mood: Over again (by One Direction)

"Hey" Harry walked in nervous.
Luke run and hugged him.
"Luke?" Harry said surprised.
"Harry it's okay." he said.
"Ashton told you?"
"Yes. Yes he did." He looked at him. "Harry you were panicked. You did what you thought was the best for you. You were wrong, but that doesn't mean that you can't fix it. I'm happy you decided to tell him the truth. I can tell it's bothering him too."
They walked to the kitchen.
"Hey Ash." Harry hugged him.
"Look guys" Harry looked at them frustrated. "Thank you for everything. Louis wouldn't come to my house, he doesn't even answer my calls. Thank you guys. I really want to explain him everything. But firstly I want to make things right. That's what I want to do tonight."
"I'm sure everything's gonna be alright Harry" Luke petted his shoulder.
Harry smiled.

Louis walked in.
"Hey guys"
"Lou" Harry said and looked at him.
"I knew you'd be here" Louis said and looked at Ashton. "It was obvious."
Luke laughed forcefully.
"Great. Yeah. That's not awkward at all. Great." he said then.
"Actually it's not" Louis said as he sat on the couch. "I mean me and Harry may have some things to short out but that doesn't have to do with us having fun tonight."
They all looked at each other.
"Okay should we play fifa?" Ashton asked.
"I wonder why you haven't opened the game already." Louis said smiling.

They actually did have fun and for a moment Harry forgot about the whole problem.
"No no stop drinking you'll get drunk again like when we were at the club to celebrate New years Eve." Luke giggled.
"But now it's different." Harry said giggling too.
"I mean he has a point. We're not in a club full of people" Louis chuckled.
"And I don't want to get wasted and forget everything." Harry giggled.
Luke stopped laughing and looked at Louis. Ashton did the same too.
"What?" Harry stopped laughing and looked at them.
He then looked at Louis.
Louis was shocked. He kept looking Harry the whole time.

"Lou I...this is...I've been meaning to tell you...I would t-" he tried to explain.
"Stop it! No stop!" he said again when Harry tried to talk.
"You knew? You two knew? All along?"
"No I learned about this recently" Ashton admitted.
"Tonight. Just before you came" Luke answered when Louis looked at him.
"And you didn't tell me?"
"Lou" Harry tried again.
Harry gulped.
"So you wanted to get drunk and pretend you were drunk from the beginning and you don't remember anything?"
"That's sick! What the hell is wrong with you Harry? That's SICK." Louis could feel his eyes burning. "If you didn't like what happened you could have told me...I don't know what to think! Why would you ever do that? Just why? And if you didn't think about me you should have thought of Luke! We were fucking worried at the time!" he put his hands on his face wipping the tears away.
Harry approached him and tried to hold his hand.
"DON'T YOU FUCKING TOUCH ME!" Louis grabbed his jacket and walked out shutting the door behind him with great force.

The three of them stayed silent, Harry looking at the spot where seconds ago, the boy he wished he could always hold close to him was standing.

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