Bad idea

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I dedicate this to justshipbullshit.

Mood: Fresh Air (by Zayn Malik)

Harry knocked his door. Maybe it was a bad idea coming here after all.
He turned to leave.
"Already leaving?" he said.
Harry turned to face him.
"Um sorry that was rude of me." He took a step closer.
"Should I come in?" he asked him.
"It's up to you really. If I didn't want you here I wouldn't have asked you to come." he smirked.
"Yeah" he walked in looking around.
Everything was like he remembered.
Axel closed the door.
"Make yourself at home Hazza." he said softly.
Harry felt annoyed from this sound.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean t-"
"No it's okay." he sat on the couch.

"The food was really nice." Harry said. "Thank you for everything really it was great but..."
"But you want to know why I invited you here in the first place." he continued Harry's sentence.
"Yeah" he looked at him waiting for an answer.
"I miss you Hazza. We ended this badly and I just wanted a nice goodbye as closure. Something good to remember so I can move on." He was now really close looking deeply into Harry's green eyes.
"What interprets as nice goodbye to you?" Harry whispered.
"Whatever you're willing to give me" he whispered back, touching with his hand Harry's chest.


"Harry grab some more chips" Liam shouted from upstairs.
"Sooo truth or dare is up next" Zayn said.
"The gang gathering is lit" Liam cheered.
"What the fuck?" Louis said. "Gang gathering? The hell Liam?"
"Chips are here" Harry entered the room.
"And now it's time for truth or dare" Niall informed him.
"I'll go first" Ashton said. "Luke. Truth or dare?"
"When did you have the best sex and who was it?"
"Ooooh this is going somewhere" Michael laughed.
"Well it was you and it was one week ago. Niall's bedroom remember?" he looked at Niall.
"God. My bed. I don't wanna know. Please stop." he started eating chips.
"My turn" Calum said.
"Umm Liam. Truth or dare?" he smiled cheekily.
"Dare" he smirked.
"I dare you to...change underwear with...Michael." Everyone started laughing.

"Truth" Harry said.
"Pussy" Louis said cheekily.
"Excuse me?" Harry pretended to be offended.
"Harry when was the last time you had sex?" Liam asked.
Everyone looked at him.
"Um..." Harry looked at them nervously.
"If I didn't know about him being a playboy I would have thought he's a virgin" Calum said.
Everyone laughed, Harry took a deep breath to calm down.
"So?" Michael said.
"Um couple hours ago" Harry admitted.
"What?" Liam was shocked.
"Who was it?" Niall asked laughing.
"Um not that important." Harry stood up.
"Was he any good?" Calum said.
"He was a guy right?" Michael chucked.
"It could've been a girl. He's bi after all." Zayn looked at Harry.
Louis was...well he didn't like that idea. Another man touching Harry. Or a girl. He felt jealousy taking over. What's wrong with me? he thought.
"I'll go get some fresh air." Louis said. He stood up abruptly and left.
"So who was it?" Niall insisted.
"Um a boy" was all Harry could say.
They cheered and started asking questions eager to know more.
"Um I think I need some fresh air too" he mumbled and walked out.

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