Bedtime stories

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I dedicate this to watsaaaaa. Love ya.

Mood: Hymn for the weekend (by Coldplay)

"And what did the prince do then?" Daisy asked with puppy eyes.
"Then the prince took the princess's hand and kissed it. He pulled her closer and told her that no matter what happened he knew that she would always be there to save him."

"And did the princess kill the dragon?" Fizzy asked.
"No she didn't...she helped him be a better person-"
"A better dragon..." Fizzy said.
"A better dragon." Harry smiled.

"And what happened with her and the prince?" Daisy asked yawing.
"After she saved the prince and with him, helped the dragon come to his senses...they all lived together happily ever-"
"After." Louis, who had just walked in, finished Harry's sentence.

"Exactly..." Harry said softly as he stood up.
Daisy and Fizzy had their eyes closed, already drifting to sleep.
They walked out of the bedroom and Harry closed the door quietly.

"Who would have thought, months ago when I first met you, that you would tell bedtime stories to my sisters?" Louis chuckled as they walked to his room.
"Not me." Harry chuckled too.

Louis locked the door as Harry pulled out his shirt and jumped on the bed.
Louis pulled out his shirt and trousers and jumped on Harry.
"Ouch" Harry laughed as Louis landed on him.
"Such a crybaby" Louis mocked him.

"So I'm the crybaby?" Harry asked.
"What's that supposed to mean Styles?" Louis asked as he looked down at Harry.
"Nothing..." Harry looked around trying to hold back his laughter.

"Nothing?" Louis asked as he started tickling him.
"No no Louis stop!" Harry laughed.
"No." Louis said as he tickled Harry more.
"Okay okay I'm a crybaby now stoop" Harry said giggling now.

As Louis stopped Harry kept laughing and covered his eyes with his arm lazily, breathing heavily.

As Louis stopped Harry kept laughing and covered his eyes with his arm lazily, breathing heavily

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Louis looked at Harry's toned body and slowly leaned down to place a kiss on his bare chest.

As soon as his soft lips touched Harry's chest, Harry stopped laughing and bit his lip. He removed his hand and looked at Louis' blue eyes.

Louis moved his lips to Harry's nipple and started sucking. He licked his nipple and sucked again. Harry gulped and as he felt a familiar feeling taking over him. He moved his hands to Louis waist who was sitting on his growing problem.

Louis lips moved to Harry's other nipple and he kissed it as well as the other two. He then made his way to Harry's stomach and stopped under his bellybutton.

"Lou..." Harry said and Louis looked at him, his eyes sparkling. He looked like an innocent but at the same time dangerous kitten. "Kiss me." Was all he could say.

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