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I dedicate this to ishipBullshit1995. I love your comments thx for everything love. Check out her story everyone.

Mood: Cruel [by Snakehips ft Zayn (zayn actually but...okay)]

"Hello? Is someone there? Open the door now!" Someone shouted from outside and tried to open the door.

"It's locked!" Louis shouted.
"I'll be right back!" The voice said.
"Don't you fucking dare to say what happened to anyone!" Axel stood up and wiped the blood away with his hand.
Louis tried to get up and as he did he frowned in pain. He leaned on the wall breathing heavily.

"Shut your fucking mouth!" Louis said.
"Well you'll definitely shut yours." Axel threw a punch that Louis quickly avoided.
He then run and unlocked the door wanting to run away.
But as he opened the door he saw the nurse standing outside just about to open the door herself.

"What happened here?" She asked looking at the blood on Axel's face.
"I-" Axel tried to say but Louis walked next to him.
"He locked me in here to beat me up." Louis said with a weak voice, still breathing heavily.
"Oh my god!" She said when he saw the blood on his clothes, his hands and his face, "come with me to my!"

Still worried, when they arrived, she took care of them.
"You both have a phone right?" She asked.
Axel nodded.
"No." Louis answered.
"You can use mine. Call one of your friends to come here. You too Axel."

She helped Louis lay down and handed him her phone. Then she went to help Axel too.
Louis looked at the phone and cursed for only knowing Harry's number. He didn't want to worry him.

He typed the number nervously.
"Hey love it's me." Louis said with a trembling voice.

"Hey babe. Where are you? I've been looking for you."
Shit. Louis mentally facepalmed. The break had started.
"Where are you?" He asked trying to stop his voice from trembling.
"At our usual spot. Why? And who's phone is that?"

"Are you alone?"
"No why? Is everything okay?" Harry asked worried.
"Everything's fine. Smooth. Great." Louis cleared his throat. "Who's with you? Is Zayn there?"
"Um yeah...Lou I-"
"Give the phone to him please." Louis said.

"Lou what's going on?" Harry sounded scared and Louis gulped.
"Nothing love. Give the phone to Zayn for a moment I need to talk to him."
"Okay...Zayn Lou wants to talk to you" Louis heard Harry saying and took a deep breath.

"Zayn" Louis said breathlessly and felt tears running down his cheeks.
"Pretend that everything's fine. Laugh do something I don't know!" Louis panicked.
"No. Yeah I'm gonna look if you left it in your locker...Harry do you mind if I take your phone with me?" He heard Zayn saying and smiled at his friends cleverness.

"No. Is Louis okay?" Louis could still hear their conversation.
"Yeah. He probably forgot his phone in his locker so I'm gonna look if it's there." Zayn said.
"Um okay...he could have asked me though. I know his combination..."
"Um he wanted to ask me if I had it I used it to make a call before."
"Um okay. Sure go." Harry said but Louis knew he was still worried.

"Tell me what the fuck happened." Zayn said as he walked to Louis locker.
"Come to the nurse's office."
"What the hell happened Louis?"
"Axel kind of beat me up..."
"He did what? Where is he? Where is this piece of shit?" Zayn sounded really angry.

"Excuse me?"
"I beat him up too. Tried my best."
"That's my bro. But that doesn't change anything. I'll make him regret this."
"Zayn don't..." Louis said but Zayn had already hung up.

The door opened and he walked in worried. Louis immediately felt a bit better. He needed his brother now. Cause him and Zayn weren't just best friends, they were brothers.

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