More plans

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I dedicate this to justshipbullshit. Have an amazing day darling. Love ya.

Mood: Teenage Dirtbag (cover by One Direction)

Harry moved closer to Louis' chest. He lightly opened his eyes and saw some sun rays who had made it through the curtains. He closed his eyes again. Louis was still sleeping. Harry could tell by his breathing and his heartbeat.

Last night after Louis explained everything to him, he also told him about his plan. Then they decided that they deserved a break after all these and put on a movie. They watched The Proposal, a romantic comedy film with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds. They laughed and had a great time.

At the end Louis closed the TV and they cuddled together talking about everything and nothing. They fell asleep just like that, smiling.

Harry opened his eyes again and looked at his boy. Louis looked like a small kitty as he slowly breathed in and out, his chest moving slightly. He reached for his face and placed a soft kiss on his pink lips.

Louis eyes slowly opened making Harry's heart skip a beat.
"Good morning love." Harry turned so his chest was now on Louis'.
"Good morning Haz." Louis said as he rubbed his eyes.

"What time is it?"
"It's early we have enough time to eat breakfast and get ready for school."
"Wow I was so worried." Louis said sarcastically.


"Hey guys!" Ashton waved at them.
"Morning. Where's Luke? What happened?" Louis asked.
"What do you mean? He's right there by the way." Ashton pointed to a large group of people who were talking. "He's talking with Barbara from Physics class about a project."

"It's just that you are always together and I was worried." Louis chuckled.
"Says you." Ashton said and looked at Harry next to him who was fixing Louis' hoody.
"Well that's going to change now..." Louis said as he bit his lip nervously.
"Huh?" Ashton said confused.
"I'll explain later."

"Harry um it's time... I'll see you...later."
"I got this Lou." Harry ensured him.
"I know you do babe." Louis nodded and they walked away in separate directions.

When the bell rang Harry walked to the main hall and stopped near the entrance. He pulled out his phone and pretended to be busy. He knew that David would walk in any minute now.

"Hey there handsome." David said as he leaned in a bit.
Harry put his phone away and looked at him.
"Hey you." He smiled cheekily.

"Someone's in a good mood." He pointed out.
"Well now that you are here...yes." Harry answered.
David looked at him stunted.

For a moment Harry was afraid that he didn't buy it but then he saw him smiling.
"So the boyfriend's not a problem anymore?"
"The boyfriend? No. No it's not." Harry swiped them around.

Now he was in front of David squeezing him to the wall.
The hallway had emptied by now.
"Well it seems like you can be very intimidating when you want." He said not so confidently.
"Intimidating?" Harry whispered, his hot breath against David's neck.

David looked at him and wrapped his hands around his neck. Harry knew what he had in mind and he didn't like that idea at all.

"When I first saw you at the looked really hot." Harry decided to get to the point.
"Oh did I now?" David said licking his lips.
"Yeah...but why didn't you wait till the game finished? Harry asked at the same time moving his hands on his waist slowly, trying to distract him. "I mean it was pretty weird that you came to congratulate our team during the break." He lightly chuckled as he talked casually.

"Oh I just...well I...I really couldn't wait to meet you." He said still looking at Harry's eyes hypnotized.
"Mmm well I was thinking to come and speak to you after the game...but you were disappeared."
"Yeah that was the plan." He said as Harry squeezed his waist making him flinch lightly.

"Aha. I see." Harry whispered to his ear. David's hand moved to Harry's chest.
"You were really good by the way. Except from the last minutes. You all seemed pretty weird...Axel scored easily."

"Well I mean...we could have prevented that..."
"You mean you kind of just...let him score?" Harry said as he leaned in, his lips inches away from David's.
"Yeah actually we did." David said looking at Harry's parted, pink lips.

"Why though babe?" Harry said as he moved his hand to David's hair.
"Why are you asking?"
"Just making a small talk before I kiss your soft lips." Harry said seductively as he run his thumb on David's bottom lip.
"We kind of had a deal. But enough with this shit I think I said enough."

David grabbed Harry's shirt and pulled him in but at the same time Harry pulled back. They ended up really close again but not enough close to kiss.
"I'm sorry David I have to go." Harry said and quickly walked away smiling pleased with himself.

Louis' plan had worked perfectly. Harry had recorded everything David said and that was enough for the coach and the team to not doubt Louis and not think highly of Axel.
Harry felt relieved and couldn't wait to announce everything to Louis. His boyfriend.

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