When we were eighteen...

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Mood: Eighteen (by One Direction)

Everyone started talking and laughing. Harry was smiling looking at Louis. Everything seemed perfect.

"Lou..." Louis looked at him smiling.
"Will you love me forever?" He asked half joking, half serious.
"Until death breaks us apart." Louis whispered.

He took Louis hand on his own giving him a look that said everything.
"Lead the way." Louis nodded.
And Harry smiled because Louis knew what he wanted to say just by looking at his eyes.

He started walking, Louis following him, towards the playground next to them. He let go of Louis hand and sat on a swing.

"You alright?" Louis said as he sat on Harry, facing him. Harry wrapped his hands around Louis' waist.
He looked at Louis' blue eyes feeling that this was all that he needed to be happy. Those eyes looking at him like that. With love.

"Harry...I want you to know that I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you. Never forget that."

Harry but his lip, still looking at Louis' eyes.
"Promise me Haz." Louis said.
"I promise Lou." Harry nodded and smiled.

They kept looking at each other for a moment. Harry laughed.
"Take it off." He said.
"Finally!" Louis stood up and took off his tie. He put it in his pocket rolling his eyes. "They wore fucking leather jackets with t-shirts!"

Harry kept laughing and stood up too.
He leaned down to kiss Louis.
"Nah...you'll have to catch me first." He said and started running.
"Oh I will!" Harry shouted and run after him.

Louis had reached some trees. He was laughing vigorously and so was Harry.
"I'm free!" He shouted as he jumped around playfully.
"Huh!" Harry laughed as he fell down on the grass pulling Louis with him.

They both burst into laughter, Harry on top of Louis. It was a long way from the playground but it was worth it. He kissed him where he laid down, his hands pressed to his cheeks.

He pulled away and looked at Louis' eyes, that he loved.
"Kiss me again." Louis whispered.


2 years later

Harry stood up from the swing and started running after Louis.
"Oh not again!" He shouted laughing.
"Catch me!" Louis shouted as he run towards the trees like he did the last time, 2 years ago.

He stopped as soon as he reached the same spot and turned to face Harry who fell on him laughing.
They were both on the grass, again.
And it was all the same, like 2 years ago.

Harry capped Louis' cheeks and kissed him. He pulled away like he did the last time and looked at his eyes. He always looked at his eyes.

"Kiss me again." Louis said because that was what he said the last time.
And Harry did. His lips were soft, like always. He felt like it was their first kiss all over again. That was what he felt everytime they kissed.

Harry pulled away and smiled.
"It's our third kiss as husbands." He said.
"You are going to count them all?" Louis laughed.
"Every single one." Harry smiled, revealing his dimples.

"I can't believe that you said that during your vow." Louis said as he took off Harry's tie and threw it away.
"I mean you made me promise to never forget it."
"Say it again." Louis smiled.

"I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you. Never forget that." Harry repeated Louis' words.

"I love you." Louis whispered.
"I love you like when we were eighteen." Harry smiled.


Harry kissed him, moving his lips slowly. Louis' hands were wrapped around Harry's waist.

"Will you always love me like now? Love me like now that we're eighteen?" Louis asked.

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