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I dedicate this to All_the_love19. Thx for reading my story love.

Mood: Moments (by One Direction)

Harry drove quickly back to Ashton's house. He walked in through the back door like before.

"What the hell Harry?" Ashton said when he saw him.
"Where were you? We were fucking worried!" Luke said.
"Sorry guys but a lot things happened and I just have to find out this thing first." Harry answered.
"What thing?" Ashton asked still pissed.
Harry motioned them to not talk as Louis voice filled the room.

"Ashton I'm going back to Doncaster. I wanted to inform you so that you won't be worried. I'll come back before Monday. I don't wanna miss classes. See you soon. Take care."

Ashton and Luke looked at each other confused. Harry sighed and fell on the floor feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.
"He'll come back" he whispered.
"Harry. You've been out all evening doing...I don't know what...but you look like shit..." Harry glared at him. "Sorry but it's the truth mate." Ashton chuckled.
"What Ashton's trying to say" Luke glared at Ashton, "is that you need to sleep." he approached him and helped him to get up.
"Yeah" Ashton nodded.
"C'mon Hazza. It's been a long night for you." Luke petted his hair and  followed him upstairs.
Ashton looked at them smiling as he sighed happily.


It was Monday and Louis hadn't showed up yet. Harry was looking nervously at the other tables as he ate his putine.
He could hear Niall laughing beside him but he didn't care what was going on.
"Hey Harry."
He snapped out of it and looked around.

"Oh hey Taylor what's up?" he said casually.
"I'm fine. You on other hand..." she started playing with his curls.
"Seem a bit...down?"
"Um we all have problems" he said cautiously as he pulled he hand away.
She held his hand tightly and whispered in his ear.
"I can help you though Harry..."

Everyone was focused on them now.
Taylor and Harry were both really popular and the talk of the school.
"Yeah" Harry pussed her off softly. "That won't be necessary."
She looked at him offended.
"You know what? You are a pathetic asshole" the cafeteria went silent only her voice could be heard, "who only likes to exploit people and doesn't care the slightest about others. Only about himself. You only care about yourself Styles. Only! You should spent the rest of your life miserably  cause that's what you are! A miserabl-"

Harry stood up and grabbed her hands making her stop talking.
"You think you know me? You think you know what I want and what I care about? You think just because I don't care about you, I don't care about others too? I don't like you Taylor. Get over it."
He let her hands free in disgust and walked out of the cafeteria.

Taylor kept looking at him as he walked away, in shock.
Suddenly Axel stood up making everyone to look at him now, and followed Harry outside.

Louis kept watching from the other side of the cafeteria socked too.

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