Lots of tension

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I dedicate this to LARRYSTYLINSONRULES3. Love ya.

Mood: Woman (Harry Styles)

"But I've definitely broke it by now."

Louis gulped as Harry stared deeply into his eyes. It was so quiet and peaceful but right now Louis found himself wishing this to stop. His heartbeat was so loud. Maybe Harry could listen to it? He didn't know.

He pushed himself towards Harry not breaking the eye contact. As Louis put his hands on the grass next to Harry's arms, capturing him between them, Harry's legs between his own, Harry laid down.

Louis leaned down smirking.
Harry was smirking too but he was trying to suspend it by biting his bottom lip.
Louis licked his lips focused on Harry's lips and him biting them.
Harry was driving him crazy, he couldn't think straight. He smirked even more at the irony of this sentence.

"What's going on inside your head?" Harry said cheekily.
"You" Louis answered grinning.
"I see..." Harry said as he moved his hands to Louis waist. He started moving them up and down his back, slowly, feeling his muscles.
"You always do that..." Louis said closing his eyes for a moment.
"Do I now?" Harry smirked.

"Yeah...and I know why" Louis looked at him as he leaned even more, their noses almost touching.
"You do?" Harry moved his hands under Louis shirt feeling now his bare back. He felt his fingertips burn as he lightly touched his skin, causing him to close his eyes again.
"So much for self control..." he mumbled as he opened them again. "Damn Harry" he moved abruptly making his shirt slid up.

Harry pulled his one hand away. With his fingertip he touched Louis upper chest.
Louis raised an eyebrow amused.
Harry smirked even more and biting his lip he slid down his finger slowly reaching Louis' waistband.

"I think you've got a little problem down there Lou" he said cheekily with a seductive voice.

"I have a big problem down there Haz, but that's not what you should worry about." Louis smiled endearingly and placed a kiss on Harry's neck. As soon as he touched Harry's skin with his lips he removed them again. Harry could feel Louis' hot breath against his neck.

"Do it again" Harry said almost whispering.
"What? That?" Louis whispered placing another wet kiss on his neck.

"Y-yes" Harry mumbled moving a bit slowly.
This time the kiss lasted for more but as soon as Harry moved Louis stopped.
"Something wrong babe?" he said cheekily not able to hold back his smirk.
"Ugh..." Harry said as he tightened his grip to Louis' back. His other hand on Louis waistband stared moving up and down.

Louis kissed Harry's neck again trying to find his sweet spot. When he did Harry let out a moan and stopped moving his hand. He closed his eyes and whispered, "Fuck Lou..."
He kissed Harry's sweet spot again and then started leaving small kitten licks.
Harry's hand moved to Louis pants and Harry started touching lightly Louis' hard.
Louis left a weak moan as he started sucking Harry's skin.

Harry started palming Louis' hard causing him to moan again, loudly this time.
Louis pulled up Harry's shirt and moved to sucking his nipples. He didn't suck for long but started making his way down to Harry's pants. He quickly unbuttoned them and tried to pull them down.

"L-Lou we...we're at the park" Harry said breathing heavily, frustrated.
Louis stopped and looked at Harry.
He then sighed and finally let himself fall on Harry, resting his head on Harry's bare chest.
"And now what?" Louis said frustrated too.

"I should probably explain why I run after him...and then you should explain to me why you run away so quickly..." Harry stated.
Louis took a deep breath.

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