Skin to skin

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I dedicate this to justshipbullshit because I used one of her previous comments here. Have an amazing day.

Mood: Dangerous woman (by Ariana Grande)

"C'mon Harold...It's been 10 minutes now...I told you it was too tight you should have listened to me and-" Louis gasped as Harry walked out of the bathroom wearing a really tight pear of skinny jeans.

They had previously visited some shops and Harry fell in love with those jeans. Maybe not so much as Louis did now though.

"Well? How is it? Too tight?" Harry asked as he turned so Louis could see from every angle.
Louis gulped and managed to close his mouth. He slowly got up from Harry's bed and looked at him.
"Too tight definitely." He said not recognizing his voice.

The jeans perfectly hugged Harry's legs, especially his bum, making visible every small detail of his carves.

"Well I'm definitely keeping them anyway." Harry looked himself in the mirror.

Louis licked his lips and wrapped his hands around Harry's waist. He rested his head on Harry's shoulder.
"You look hot babe. As always. Keep them."
Harry smiled cheekily looking into Louis' blue eyes from the mirror.

"Thanks babe." Harry said with his deep, rasky voice.
Louis bit Harry's shirt looking at him with his eyes narrowed. He looked like an angel but at the same time like the devil. His look said it all and Harry turned so he could face him.

 His look said it all and Harry turned so he could face him

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Louis looked at him and licked his lips.
"What do you have in mind babe?" Harry whispered.
Louis pushed Harry on the wall and leaned in smiling cheekily.
"That's my thing babe..." Louis said, his hot breath against Harry's neck.

Harry's hands wondered to Louis' waist and bum.
"I want to do it all with you Lou..." Harry closed his eyes.
"Then that's what you'll do." Louis said his lips lightly touching Harry's skin.

He run his lips down Harry's cheek and stopped next to his mouth.
"I wanna do this so bad..." He whispered.
"Go for it." Harry whispered back.

Louis hands slid down Harry's shirt and he quickly pulled it up. Seconds later it was on the floor and shortly Louis' shirt joined too. Their bare chests touched making both of them get goosebumps.

Louis felt a burning arose in his throat. He looked at Harry with lust and crashed their lips together. The kiss wasn't gentle. They both wanted more so bad. Their hands roamed each others body and their lips melted into each others touch.

Louis bit Harry's bottom lip and Harry moaned weakly as he moved closer to him. Louis felt Harry's hard cock rub against his own and harshly pushed his chest on Harry's even more, making him meet the wall again.

Their tongues danced together and Louis won the battle for dominance much to Harry's pleasure. He liked Louis being in control. As Louis' hands slid down and took Harry's pants with them, Harry wrapped his legs around the boy's waist and kicked off his jeans.

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