Never heard of it

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Mood: Better than words (by One Direction)

"Look! I want this. We can put it on my bedroom it'll look perfect with the colorful lights!" Louis exclaimed.
"You really are something else during holidays." Harry giggled.
"I warned you" Louis said as he looked around smilling.


"So should we go out have a drink or something? It's Christmas Eve." Harry said.
He had just arrived at Louis house.
"Are you asking me out Styles?" Louis smirked.
"No. If I was asking you out it would be different." Harry took off his jacket.
"Different? How?" Louis smirked.
"Well I would come closer to you." He approached Louis not breaking the eye contact and licking his lips.
"I would stop right in front of you." He put his hand on the wall next to Louis' head. "I would smile," he smiled cheekily, "and finally ask."
He leaned in a bit his lips really close to Louis's cheekbone. Louis could feel him breathe.
Harry kept looking at Louis' eyes.
Louis looked at Harry's torso, that was so close to him.
"Louis, would you like to go on a date with me?" he asked calmly yet something about his voice made Louis shiver.
"Yes" he said still looking at Harry's torso.
"What?" Harry said while a smirk appeared on his face.
Louis gulped.
"I thought I should make it realistic from my part too." He kept looking at Harry's torso.
Harry smiled and pulled away.
Louis could breathe again.

"So should we?" Harry asked.
"What?" Louis sat on the kitchen table.
"Go out. For a drink." Harry answered.
"Um I...I don't know" Louis laid down on the table looking at the ceiling.
Harry approached him. He put his hands on the table each one next to Louis' waist. He leaned down so he could look at him.
"Zayn told me that you don't really like Christmas. But you seemed to really enjoy them until now so I thought it was just bullshit. What's the problem Lou?" Louis turned and looked at him.
"You know the feeling when something's important to you and you expect other people to recognize it as important as you do but they don't?" Louis took a deep breath.
"Yeah" Harry nodded.
"Well that's what happens to me. Every damn year." Louis looked back at the ceiling again.
"Every Christmas Eve?" Harry asked.
"Yeah...every Christmas Eve."
They both stayed silent for a couple minutes.
"What is it Lou?" Harry asked.
"What's every Christmas Eve except from the obvious?"
Louis stayed silent.
"My birthday." He finally said still looking at the ceiling.
Harry gasped.
"Get up" He said.
"What?" Louis looked at him.
"Get up. We're leaving."
"What? No. No lets just stay here."
"Ok then." Harry grabbed Louis by his waist and carried him to his bedroom.
"Dress up it's cold outside. We don't want you ill especially now. It's your birthday." Harry turned to leave.
"And Christmas Eve." Louis said.
"Christmas Eve? What's that? Never heard of it." Harry said as he walked downstairs.
Louis giggled.

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