Marry me?

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I dedicate this to ihavetheavocados. Loooove ya.

Mood: Common (by Zayn Malik)

Harry was walking towards his locker where Louis was waiting for him. He was smiling because he couldn't wait to grab him and kiss him.

He smirked imagining it but it quickly turned into a frown. This cheek Erica was talking to him again, obviously flirting. He walked towards them.
If only looks could kill...

"So are you free tonight?" she asked while playing with her hair.
"I told you Erica...I have-" He took a step back and fell on Harry's chest.
Harry steadied him with his one hand.

"Boyfriend." Harry completed his sentence.
She looked at him and rolled her eyes.
"Yeah exactly." Louis nodded and smiled cheekily.
"So whatever is your name...can you like fuck off now or should I make you?" Harry asked.

"Make me?" She laughted. "I think I can talk to him if I want, thank you very much."

"Not if he's too busy for your shit." Harry winked at her and pined Louis on the lockers. He smiled cheekily and Louis smiled too.

They crushed their lips, both grinning. Harry had his hands on the wall, capturing Louis between them. Louis' hands moved to Harry's chest. He grabbed Harry's shirt and pulled him even closer.

Harry licked Louis bottom lip and sucked on it. They could hear people yelling excitedly and laughing, but they didn't care at all. Their tongues met and they explored each others mouth. Harry's hands moved to cap Louis' cheeks.

It was a really intense kiss, full of lust.
They stopped kissing to breathe, but they didn't pull away from each other.
Harry chuckled softly, his lips still lightly touching Louis'.

Louis looked next to him and saw Erica walking away. Lots of people had gathered around and they were still grinning and yelling. He buried his head in Harry's neck, smiling and the other boy wrapped his hands around him protectively.


Harry run back while running his fingers through his hair.
Niall had laid down on the sand while Zayn, Liam and Louis were sited next to each other.

"There's noone here except us." He said as he sat next to Louis.
"That's why I suggested to hang out here after school." Liam said.
"Liam loves this beach." Zayn smiled.
"I mean...I think all of us love this beach." Niall laughed.

"Each for his own reasons." Louis smirked and looked at Harry who's cheeks were flashed.

Silence followed and Louis' hand found Harry's. They intertwined their fingers and smiled, focused on the sea.

Liam was looking at Zayn, biting his bottom lip. He looked flawless. His fringe was styled perfectly as always. His brown, hazel eyes were sparkling. He licked his lips as he looked around, his incredibly long eyelashes moving as he closed his eyes.

Liam took a deep breath, feeling more sure than ever.
"Z..." He said.
Zayn looked at him.
"Zayn..." He reached for his hand.
"Will you marry me?"

They all looked at Liam shocked.
Zayn kept looking at Liam's eyes and their hands.
"I know it's sadden and-"
"Yes. Yes, yes, yes! A thousand times yes!" Zayn exclaimed and stood up.

Liam stood up too, smiling.
The others looked at them startled.
He took a step closer to Zayn and capped his face. Zayn smiled and wrapped his arms around Liam's neck.

They kissed each other, gently, only lips. They stopped to look at each other and smile. It was a pure kiss, declaring their pure love.

"Does that mean that we have to plan a wedding?" Niall asked and stood up excitedly.

"Yes, that's exactly what it means Nialler." Zayn laughed.

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