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I dedicate this to harrysthots cause she's just amazing, love ya girl.

Mood: Change my mind (by One Direction)

"I love you Luke. I would never betray you like that and you know it. I don't know what Michael heard but I wasn't hooking up with any mystery girl and for god's sake I would never say I love you to a random hookup. You're special for me. You make me feel special and I love you. I don't need and I'll never need someone else as long as I have you. You've got to believe me Luke." He was looking at his eyes the whole time desperately looking for a sign that he believed him. That he wasn't going to leave him like that. He couldn't find it though.
Luke managed to free himself from Ashton's hands. He walked away not looking back.


Neither Luke nor Ashton showed up to their next classes. Michael tried to contact them but they wouldn't pick up their phones.
"Michael it's fine. We'll figure it out." Louis hugged him petting his hair.
"Yeah" he mumbled.
"Liam" Louis said "can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Of course mate."
They walked to an empty classroom.
"I never got the chance to thank you for you know saving me."
"Aww that's so sweet Loueh" he said imitating one of the girls who used to flirt with Louis all the time.
"God stop this you're embarrassing yourself" he rolled his eyes.
"Hm myself or you Tommo?" Liam chuckled.
"Is this a thing now?" he said sarcastically.
"More of a Harry thing actually" Liam said smirking.
Louis gasped.

"So it's Saturday tomorrow" Zayn said "Any plans?"
"I'm thinking of throwing a party" Niall announced.
"And you decided to tell us now because...?" Calum asked.
"Because I just decided that I will through a party tommorow" Niall answered.
"I'm actually going to the supermarket now to buy drinks and snacks. Zaddy come with me maybe?"
"Yeah should I text Liam to come and help us too?"
"Yeah we could use some more help. It's gonna be epic. Guys invite everyone. Spread the news." Niall said and they both left.
"Well you heard him guys" Calum said excited.
"I'll visit Ashton and let him know" Harry said.

"Louis!" Harry approached him.
"Stop spreading the Tommo thing around Harry. I really like my name you know...I want people to say it" he said cheekily.
"I mean I thought you preferred Lou" he said with a seductive smile.
"The dimples won't work for me Styles neither your charm" he said with a smirk.
Harry walked closer to him making Louis to back away, eventually meeting the wall.
Harry was now really close to him. Both feeling each others breaths, chests almost touching.
Harry placed his hands on the wall preventing Louis from moving.
"Going somewhere?" he whispered.
Louis looked at him with a raised eyebrow.
"Didn't know you had it in you Styles." he said sarcastically.
"You didn't know I had what?" he whispered in Louis ear almost touching his earlobe with his lips.
Louis gulped.
Harry looked Louis' eyes licking his lips.
Louis looked back at him, his eyes reflecting Harry's green ones.
"That's your way of saying thank you Styles?" he chuckled.
"Kind of" Harry said seductively.

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