Run away

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I dedicate this to RAINBERRYPAYNE. Love ya.

Mood: Mirrors (by Niall Horan)

Louis kept looking at Harry as he walked away. He felt Stan grab his arm and he turned around abruptly.
He placed some money on the bar counter and pulled Louis towards the dance floor.

"Lets dance Lou!" He said excitedly.
He dragged him next to the wall and wrapped his arms around his waist.
"Um Stan...I really don't feel like dancing..." Louis tried to pull away.

"Oh c'mon...I know you want this." He said.
"What? No...No I...I'm gonna go help Harry." Louis said and turned to walk away.
Stan grabbed his arm and pinned him on the wall.

"If it's about everything that happened back in High School...we were kids Louis."
"What the fuck? Kids? You bullied me because of my sexuality..." He tried to pull away but Stan was really strong.

"Well...what do you want to hear? That I'm sorry? I told you I had a crush on you back then..."
"That's fucking bullshit! And I don't except anything from you apart from disappearing from my life again."

"Well don't be so harsh now..." He smirked as he moved closer to Louis.
He could feel Stan's breath against his neck and he never wanted to run away more that now.

Flashbacks started playing in his head but he shook his head. He always wanted to run away when they would start calling him names and punching him. He was never able to do so though...

"Where is your boyfriend now?" Stan asked as he leaned in.
"Where you fucking sent him!" Louis shouted and he could feel his eyes burn as tears were starting to form.

"Oh but that's where you are wrong sent him where he is now."
"You fucking spilled your drink on him!"
"Accidentally..." He smirked.

"Oh fuck off!" Louis tried to push him away but failed again. He smirked as he leaned in and Louis felt tears running down his cheeks.

Stan crashed his lips on Louis' who tried to push him away but failed, because he was on top of him, squeezing him on the wall.

Harry run towards them and grabbed Stan from his shirt. He pushed him away from Louis and threw him on the floor.

People screamed and backed away as Harry grabbed Stan again from his neck and threw him on the wall.
Louis backed away, his vision blurry because of his tears.

Harry started punching Stan, still holding him from his neck, hitting his head against the wall repeatedly.
Stan shouted for help but noone dared to approach Harry. The security tried to pull everyone away.

Louis watched his eyes getting darker as the seconds passed and suddenly, it wasn't Stan who was being beaten. It was him. It wasn't Stan's shouts for help, it was his. It wasn't Harry beating Stan, it was his teammates beating him.

He couldn't breathe. He backed away slowly shooking his head as new tears fell down. The familiar feeling he had everytime they would beat him up was back. He always wanted to run. He wanted to run and feel the fresh air. He wanted to be able to breathe again. To run and not look back.

He never could though...They would never let him go and when they were done with him, he would never be able to move.

Now things were different. Now he could run. He looked at the people screaming and then his gaze fell on Stan. His face and clothes were covered in blood and Harry was in front of him still punching his face.

That was the last thing he saw before he could feel the fresh air against his face. Tears run down his cheeks as he run.

He didn't know where he was going but he knew that he had to run away.

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