Wanting to know more

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I dedicate this to queen5NewBrokenScene. Read her stories they are fantastic.

Mood: Change your ticket (by One Direction)

"Lima bear" Zayn shouted from the living room.
Liam stopped cooking and looked at him.
"Z? What's up? Still can't decide on a movie?" He chuckled.
Zayn stood up and walked to the kitchen. He sat on the counter and pouted.
Liam approached him and rested his hands on his waist. Zayn wrapped his legs around Liam and rested his head on his chest.

"What's up babe?" Liam asked whispering.
"I...I haven't slept to my house for a week and I hardly ever go to my house now..." he said nervously.
"Well...I mean you always sleep here, with me and you use my clothes except from those you have here so...yeah you hardly ever go..." Liam agreed looking at Zayn confused.

Zayn pulled away so he could look at him. Liam's arms still wrapped around his waist.
"Yeah" he nodded. "That's why...I've been thinking about it a lot and I think...I mean I'd like to...but then again it may be too fast...I don't know if you want...probably not..." he was playing nervously with the colar of Liam's shirt.

"Zayn. Zayn. Babe." Liam tried to get his attention. Zayn stopped and looked at him.
"Whatever it is you're thinking just tell me. It's not a big deal. Just tell me babe. Don't stress so much." Liam leaned in and Zayn prepared to kiss him. He closed his eyes waiting to feel Liam's soft lips on his own but instead he felt Liam placing a kiss on his nose.

"Hey! You can't just do that!" Zayn wined.
"Do what?" Liam said oblivious.
"You leaned...oh forget it." Zayn sighed and grabbed Liam by his hair as he crushed his lips on his.
Liam let out a giggle as he realized what Zayn meant.
He then tightened his grip and pulled Zayn closer.
Zayn wrapped his legs around him again and run his fingers through his soft hair as he licked his bottom lip seeking entrance.

Liam grinned as Zayn's tongue explored every inch of his mouth.

He carried Zayn to the living room and threw him to the couch.
He took off his shirt as Zayn stood up and approached him.
"What are you doi-" Liam tried to say but Zayn grabbed him and kissed him again turning them around so Liam could fall to the couch first.

They stopped kissing for a moment so Zayn could take his shirt off too.
"Oh babe" Liam said as his fingers run down Zayn's chest, feeling his collarbone, his abs and his tummy.
"Your tattoos are gonna be the death of me." He said as he started kissing them. Zayn grinned and kissed Liam again. He then started kissing his nipples.
"Fuck Zayn!" Liam said as he felt his excitement grow.

"Guys!" Louis was knocking their door. "Guys open up. It's urgent."
Zayn stopped and looked at Liam.
"We should open up." he said not thinking twice.
Zayn sighed and moved so Liam could stand up and open the door.

"Thanks" Louis said as he walked in and sat on the armchair.
Liam sat on the couch next to Zayn.
"Um..." he looked at them closely.
"Yeah." Zayn nodded. "Bad timing Louis."
"Oops" he said. "Should I go?"
"No no. Even if you did we can't now. It's okay. We don't have a problem." Liam smiled at him.
"Of course we can" Zayn said ignoring Liam's look. "And I have a problem. A big one."
"Too much information" Louis said.
"What happened Louis?" Liam said. "You seem upset."

"Why didn't you tell me that Axel was Harry's ex?" he asked.
They exchanged a surprised look.
"You never asked firstly...and why should we? I mean it was one year ago or something like that." Zayn answered.
"Harry didn't want me to find out." he explained.
"What? When did he tell you that?" Liam asked confused.
"He didn't...but it was obvious that he didn't want to."
"Wait. How did you find out?" Zayn asked. "Harry told you?"
"No no." he said looking at the ground.
"I figured. Had all the information I needed." Louis explained.

"Okay. I can't understand why Harry wouldn't want you to know but then again I don't understand why this is so important...I mean they had their story yeah but it's in the past." Liam said.
"Tell me."
"Tell you what?" Liam asked.
"Their story."

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