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Mood: Little White Lies (by One Direction)

"I mean if I was driving we'd already be there" Louis laid down, his head on Harry's legs.
"Stop wining" Luke said.
"We're almost there anyway" Ashton said as he turned left.
Harry petted Louis hair.
Luke turned on the radio and started talking to Ashton.

"Harold?" Louis said almost whispering.
"Yeah?" Harry said staring back at Louis blue eyes.
Louis didn't answer, he kept staring at Harry's green eyes breathing slowly.
Harry smiled revealing his dimples.
Louis moved his hand and caressed Harry's cheek. He then run his thumb on his lips, his eyes following, and finally bit his lip deep in thought as he took his hand away.
"I think I just found my yew nears resolution." he said.
Harry raised his eyebrows.
"Do you have a yew nears resolution Harry?" he started playing with the collar of Harry's tight black shirt.
"Um" Harry bit his lip. "I mean I just" he tried to focus but Louis giggling kept distracting him.
"The dumpy look suits you" Louis chukled.

"Five minutes" Louis said.
"What?" Luke shouted.
"Five minutes" he repeated.
"What?" Luke said again.
Louis facepalmed.

The music was so loud they could barely hear each other.
Ashton decided to be the responsible one and stay sober to drive them back safely.
"Harry! C'mon and dance with me babe" Louis said giggling.
Harry laughed and took Louis' hand.
They had just started dancing when the lights and the music went off and everyone started counting.
Everything happened quickly.
Louis and Harry got pushed by people moving ending up on the wall Louis on top of Harry.
They heard Luke shouting Ashton's name.
They couldn't see a thing all that Harry knew was that Louis was in front of him holding him tightly from his waist and that they probably had separated from Luke and Ashton.
"...6, 5, 4"
"Lou?" Harry said.
"I'm right here Haz" he squeezed Harry's waist making Harry shiver.
"...3, 2"
"1" Harry and Louis said joining the crowd counting.

Harry felt a pair of soft lips crashing on to his. Louis pressed himself on Harry as their chests touched.
He wrapped his hands around Louis' neck pulling him even closer if it was ever possible. Louis' hands roamed Harry's body as he bit his bottom lip making Harry moan.
Harry's hands went up and down Louis bare back under his shirt.
Louis gained access to Harry's mouth and their tongues danced together.
He desperately wanted more and Harry's hand moving now to his hair and grabbing it tightly didn't help. He left a weak moan on Harry's mouth.

They felt people moving and realized that the music started playing and the lights went on. They both pulled away flushed, breathing heavily.
They looked at each other, Harry biting his lip.
"Where's Luke?" Ashton came from their right.
"I don't know" Harry said.
"What happened to you? And I thought I was pushed harshly" he pointed at their hair and clothes.
Harry facepalmed himself mentally.
He tried to fix his hair and then pulled all the way down his shirt.
Louis fixed his fringe. He then tried to fix his shirt too.
"Any idea about where Luke is?" he looked around worried.
"I'm sure he's somewhere..." Louis looked around too. "We should probably split up and look for him." They nodded. "We meet again at the bar."

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