A bit or a lot?

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Mood: Little Black Dress (by One Direction)

They were all watching a movie. Well everyone in their own way.
Calum was the only one really interested in the movie. Michael and Niall were throwing popcorn at each other laughing, and the others were all busy with each other.

Liam was sitting next to Zayn resting his head on his shoulder. Zayn had his arms wrapped around him smiling softly. Liam closed his eyes smiling too and Zayn couldn't help but lean to place a sweet kiss on his forehead.

Luke was sitting next to Liam, his head on Ashton's laps. Ashton stared at Luke's eyes and Luke did the same. They would often giggle and steal kisses.

Louis looked around him as Harry petted his hair. They were sharing the same armchair. Louis was sitting between Harry's legs, resting his head on his chest and Harry rested his own on Louis' shoulder. Harry would often kiss him lightly on his neck when he was sure noone was looking at them, something that confused Louis more.

What were they? They hadn't talked about it yet but Louis wasn't sure if he wanted to. He didn't want to push it and just wanted everything to come naturally. He sighed happily and closed his eyes trying not to giggle with Niall.

"Hey! That's my popcorn Luke! Mine!"


Louis was walking to the cafeteria checking his messages and laughing.

Lord payno to Gang gathering's chat
Mrs. James won't leave me go for lunch. She keeps talking nonsense about her husband.

Just leave. You're not obliged to listen.


Just tell her you're hungry. It's food we're talking about.

Not everyone cares so much about food Niall

Nialler has left the chat

He quickly texted back and turned around to see who was calling him.

Great Zayn now he left

Harry started laughing.
"I'll add you back."
"No. I don't want to." Niall said stubbornly.
Zayn rolled his eyes smiling.
"C'mon Ni you know I love food." He said then hugging him.
"Not as much as I do." Niall smirked.
"Obviously" Harry said and added him back. "I'm done eating. See you at the next class." He waved at them and walked out of the cafeteria.

Louis turned around and saw Erica, a girl from his art class approaching him.
"Hey" she said smiling.
"Hi?" he said expectantly.
"Won't you have lunch?" she asked caressing his arm.
"Um..." he pulled away a bit. "Yeah I will. I was just heading-"
"Oh great that's where I'm going too."
"Yeah half of the school actually."

Louis looked around him trying to find one of his friends.
"Haha" she laughed. "You're so funny Lou." She touched with her hand his chest and smiled. "Shall we go?"

"Unfortunately whatever you have planned has to wait." Louis heard a voice behind him and suddenly someone removed her hand and wrapped his own around his waist.
"Um and why's that?" she said taking a step closer to Louis.
"Cause I say so." Harry answered and started walking with him.
"Bye Lou." she shouted.
"It's Louis." Harry said before they lost her.

"Wow what was that Harold? Possessive much?" Louis asked amused.
"Just me helping you have your lunch before the break is over." Harry answered casually.

"Yeah right." Louis said sarcastically as he pushed Harry against the wall and captured him between his arms.
"You were so jealous." Louis said smirking.
"Ugh...maybe I was. A bit." Harry said rolling his eyes smirking.
"Let me tell you a secret then Harold before I go for lunch." Louis leaned in and whispered, his hot breath making Harry get goosebumps.

"I like your possessive side. So hot. Oh and you were a lot darling." He pulled away smirking and made his way to the cafeteria.

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