
371 21 17

Mood: Nobody compares (by One Direction)

"So who's gonna present his project next? Sophia?"
"Yeah of course."
Louis sighed and looked back on his notebook. He was so bored.

He closed his eyes, his head resting on his hand and tried to think. What could possibly be Axel's plan? He tried to think about that game again.
Axel had pushed him down and after he claimed the ball easily, scored a goal. The other team didn't complain about this, though they should have because Axel's goal wouldn't have counted. Instead they walked away just accepting their defeat.

Why would they do that? David should have said something...he is the captain after all...And how did Axel score so quickly? Louis was about to try for a goal too when Axel knocked him down but he had to admit that he was under a lot of pressure from the other players. Axel on the other hand had enough time to even think about where to kick the ball. Noone was around him. So either the other team's players are the stupidest people in the world or...

"Louis. LOUIS!"
"What?" he said annoyed.
"You are next! And if you want to pass, I suggest you not sleeping during my lesson."


Harry walked to Louis classroom and waited for him to come outside.
He opened his phone and saw that he had a text.

Hey there. David here ;)

Who gave you my phone number?

One of your old hookups. Does it matter?

Well not really. I was just surprised.

You shouldn't be. I thought I made it clear that I'm into you ;)

How are you love?

Are you with your bf?

No gonna answer? Well the fact that you're avoiding me works like a turn on to me so...no problem. See ya later baby boy. You won't avoid me forever;)

Harry sighed and put his phone back in his pocket.

Harry immediately smiled and looked at Louis.
It was like the sun had sinned.
"Lou." Harry said and wrapped his amrs around him resting his head on his shoulder.

"Haz are you okay?" Louis said worried.
"Yeah fine. Absolutely fine. I'm okay."
Louis was afraid that whatever happened to Harry had to do with that stupid plan.

"Haz...you can tell me everything you know that right?" Louis said softly as he petted Harry's hair.
"Yeah...I know..." Harry mumbled.
"Well?" Louis pulled back to look at Harry's eyes.
Harry looked at him frightened.
"What's wrong love?" Louis said as he run his finger down Harry's cheek.

Harry slowly pulled out his phone and tapped at his and David's chat. He gave his phone to Louis who was watching cautiously.
Louis read the messages and felt anger taking over. He took a deep breath to calm himself and looked at Harry.
"Explain." Louis said.

"I...he texted me and I just...I didn't answer...I'm NOT cheating Lou I-" Harry was looking at Louis frightened for his reaction.
Louis stopped his rumbling with a quick kiss.
He felt his heart break. How could he allow himself to make Harry look at him like that?

"Love calm down." He took Harry's hands on his own. "I meant explain why you are so afraid love. Not those messages. You didn't do anything wrong. I never thought that you cheated on me and I never will."

"But...I used to do that and...I would never do this to you Lou. Please believe me."
"I know love. Of course I believe you. Calm down. Come here." Louis hugged Harry again.

"I love you." Louis kissed Harry's shoulder, on which he was resting his head.
"I love you too." Harry rubbed his head against Louis' shoulder feeling relieved.

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