Biology or Geometry?

437 24 18

Mood: Last first kiss (by One Direction)

Harry walked out and rushed to his locker. As he "walked" Taylor's words kept repeating in his head.

"You are a pathetic asshole who only likes to exploit people and doesn't care the slightest about others. Only about himself. You only care about yourself Styles. Only! You should spent the rest of your life miserably cause that's what you are!"

A miserable human being? Harry didn't know what she wanted to say next. He gulped at the thought of someone elses words.

"That's sick! What the hell is wrong with you Harry? That's SICK!"
"And if you didn't think about me you should have thought of Luke. We were fucking worried at the time!"

He finally reached his locker and stopped leaning on it. He closed his eyes.


He could still hear his voice. But now he could hear someone else's too.
He opened his eyes and saw Axel in front of him.
"What are you doing here?" he asked surprised.
"Are you okay?" he asked ignoring Harry's question.
"Yeah. Of course. It's not like I care what she thinks." Harry answered.
"Well you don't care about what she thinks. That's for sure." He said nodding. "But you do care about what some other people think."
"What are you talking about?"
"Well knowing probably thought that some other people agree with her. People you care about their opinion. And that's why you got upset."

Harry sighed smiling.
"I'm right then" Axel smirked.
"Maybe" Harry trailed off.
"Well in any case," Axel leaned in, his lips almost touching Harry's jaw, "keep in mind that I know that she is wrong. Really wrong." He placed a soft kiss on his jaw and walked away.

Harry walked to class hoping the teacher would accept him. He was late but it wasn't his fault. He had to relax and then he talked with Axel and...well the teacher wouldn't care so there was no point on finding an excuse. Harry sighed as he knocked the door.

"Come in."
He opened the door.
"I'm sorry. I'm late, I know but can I come in?" he said.
"Of course...Styles...late...again." she said.
He run his hand through his hair, nervously biting his lip.
"I'm sorry. I promise it won't happen again."
"It doesn't affect me Harry. It affects you, your grades and your future." she sighed disappointingly and motioned him to sit.
"Thank you" he said and looked for an empty sit but instead he met a pair of blue eyes which stared back at his green one's.

Louis was sitting alone at the back. Without thinking twice he approached him.
"Lou...can I sit?" he asked.
Louis nodded.
"Thank you." he said as he sat down carefully.
The teacher started talking. Harry thought that she'd probably be talking about biology. That's what they were
doing right? He pulled out the biology book.

"Geometry." Louis said.
"What?" Harry whispered back.
"We're doing geometry." Louis repeated.
"Oh. Well...I don't have geometry..." he said as he put back in his bag the biology book.
"Good thing I do then" Louis said as he placed his book in the middle.
Harry smiled at him.

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