Once again

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I dedicate this to larryxxglitter. Thanks for reading my story, your comments are amazing.

Mood: Youngblood (by 5sos)

Louis opened the door quietly. He walked in looking around in an attempt to find a clue about whether Harry came by. Everyone was asleep so he had to figure out himself.

He rushed to his bedroom and looked around biting his lip. Harry's things were still here. He let out a sigh, relieved and sat on his bed.

He stared at the wall for a minute. It was almost 5 a.m. He reached for his phone and quickly called Harry who didn't answer.

He decided to leave a message.

"Haz...I....I don't know how I could convince you that your are nothing like your father and your mother. But...I think I know from where to start." He sighed as he grabbed one of Harry's beanies and walked outside.

"I run away Harry because Stan, as you've probably understood, was one of the guys who used to bully me. The sight of him begging you to stop and trying to run away...reminded me of my situation back then. I always wanted to run away when they would approach me. I didn't want to deal with their bullshit. I started running because I felt the need to. I never could back then. But now I...I was free to do so. I needed to do it for myself."

"Haz...I don't know if you're listening to this right now...but please if you are meet me outside the metro station I'll be there. I understand that this is hard for you love, but please don't push me away. Let me be there for you. And if you don't need me...well I need you."

He looked around as he placed the beanie on his head, fixing his fringe.
He was almost there but he doubted that Harry would show up. He probably hadn't even heard the message. He stopped and looked around, nervously biting his bottom lip.

He was trying to catch those green, emerald eyes. He tiptoed in an attempt to see through the crowd.
Suddenly his phone rang and not really paying attention to it, he picked it up.

"Lou?" He heard a soft voice.
"Haz! Where are you?"
"Um near the metro station, from the Starbucks side."
Louis started running while looking around.
"I can see you now. Stop I'm coming."

He stopped and tried to locate Harry but couldn't. As he was about to doubt if he was there, he heard that raspy, yet calming voice.
He turned around and not thinking twice, he jumped on Harry's arms, wrapping his legs around his waist.

Harry hugged him back, smiling and revealing his dimples.
"I...I'll try to be the best of me for us Lou. I really will."
"Harry, you are the best of you. You've always been for me." Louis said as he capped Harry's face.

"I...I may not be able to offer you a perfect relationship...and-"
"Harry there's no such thing. I'm not perfect love. I can't offer you a perfect relationship too. A true relationship is two unperfect people refusing to give up on each other...and I would never give up on you."

"I would never give up on you too Lou. Even if I wanted too, an hour ago...I can't."
They looked at each other smiling softly. It was just the two of them versus the whole world. And they would fight together. Because together they were strong.

"Kiss me you fool." Harry said his voice almost a whisper.
Louis smiled and leaned in.
His lips touched Harry's and he felt fireworks exploding in his stomach.
They moved their lips in a normal rhythm, yet the kiss was gentle and soft.

They pulled away a bit, their foreheads touching as well as their noses.
"Remember the first day we met?" Louis asked.
"Yeah." Harry nodded softly, smiling.

"That day...I instantly felt attracted to you...and then I got to know you...and suddenly, all the love songs were about you..." Harry looked at Louis eyes, they were sparkling.

"I didn't think you'd actually come here..." Louis admitted.
"I...I was listening to your message and as dump as it may sound...I instantly run here."
Louis looked at him a bit surprised.

"If I could give you one thing in life...I would give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me." Louis rubbed his finger against Harry's cheek.

"You've already given me everything I want." Harry kissed Louis' hand.
"What?" He whispered.
"Your love." Harry answered softly.

And their lips met once again...

A few bad chapters doesn't mean your story is over.

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