Drama queen

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I dedicate this to justshipbullshit thanks for the support love.

Mood: Rainberry (by Zayn Malik)

Harry and Louis stopped in front of Liam and Zayn.
"I mean everyone agrees I'm the daddy. People insisted on me topping" Liam said.

"What are you talking about?" Louis asked.
"Oh nothing interesting" he answered.
"How come you acknowledging our presence?" Louis said smirking.
"I mean now I'm here too" Harry said casually.
"Woah someone's on full copy mode. I said this one chapter ago."

"Liam's trying to play it daddy to me again" Zayn explained sarcastically.
"Oi oooi" Louis laughed.
"Then I think we'll leave you to it." Harry said giggling.
Him and Louis walked away laughing.

Liam turned and looked at Zayn smirking.
He placed his hands on the wall capturing Zayn and leaned in, their noses touching.
"So I'm trying to play it daddy?" he said almost whispering.

"So I'm trying to play it daddy?" he said almost whispering

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"Yeah" Zayn answered licking his lips seductively.
"Oh you shouldn't do that" he said biting his bottom lip.
"I shouldn't do what?" Zayn said innocently as he did it again.
"Noone ever told ya that when you play with fire" he moved closer to him, their chests touching "you eventually get burnt?"
He took Zayn's hand in his own and slowly kissed his fingertips staring at his eyes deeply. Zayn looked back with an endearing look. Liam could feel Zayn's breath getting faster.
He smirked as he kept kissing his fingertips.
"And here" Zayn said pointing at his shoulder.
"Here?" Liam said kissing his shoulder slowly.
"And here" biting his lip he pointed at his collarbone.
Liam moved to Zayn's collarbone not breaking the eye contact.
"He-here too" Zayn said shivering as he pointed to his neck.
Liam followed Zayn's instructions smirking.
"And here" he pointed at his lips seductively.
"Are you sure?" Liam said leaning in and stopping when their noses touched.
"Yes Daddy" Zayn said smirking now too.
Liam crushed his lips on Zayn's making him moan.
Zayn grabbed Liam's shirt, a moan escaping his lips again.
"Shh" Liam said giggling as he kissed Zayn again. "You're really loud."
They deepened the kiss, Liam's tongue exploring Zayn's mouth.
"I think we should take this somewhere else" Zayn said when they stopped to breathe.
"Yeah" Liam mumbled as he looked around.


"I mean it was so stupid! Why did I thought it would work out in the first place?" Harry facepalmed.
"It's not your fault Hazza." Niall patted his shoulder.
Harry looked at him.
"Okay, okay it is. But...you can fix it."
"Yeah tell him the truth?" Harry said sarcastically. Niall nodded.
"Yeah how about that?" Harry continued.
"Hey Louis how are you? Yeah I wanted to tell you something. Remember when I got drunk? Yeah the night we hooked up. Yeah I remember it because I got drunk on purpose when you left to find Luke. I wanted to pretend I didn't remember the kiss. Wow sounds great. I seem like a total asshole who only cares about himself, he's a shitty friend and has terrible ideas oh and when he comes up with this bullshit he also thinks he got the greatest idea." he stopped and looked at Niall who was laughing.
"And that's not even the worst part. The worst part is that in fact I am an asshole and a shitty friend an-" Niall stopped him by covering his mouth with his hand.
"I'm just gonna say one word. And then I'll leave cause I have to eat something. It's been a whole hour."
Harry looked at him waiting.
"Drama queen."

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