The Story of Sabriel pt1

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Sam and Dean were searching for Gabriel hoping to persuade him to give them some of his grace so that they could get open a portal to the apocalypse world long enough to save Mary and Jack

But when they found him they didn't expect him to be all bloody and beaten up, followed by two demi gods trying to kill them

Dean had left them alone to depose of the body one of the gods Gabriel had killed in order to save Sam

They sat in complete silence both of them not really wanting to talk about their past together

But Gabriel soon caved with a sigh knowing he had to say something

Since the last time him and Sam saw each other he had "died" leaving Sam to wonder about his dead lover

That was 8 years ago and even then when it was just sex,pornstars and Monte Carlos, his mind would still brush over the memory of Sam every now and then

He wanted so badly to be with Sam help him through his bad moments and be apart of the good ones

But he knew it would just end badly so he kept his distance, but sometimes  he would check on Sam in a dream or watch over him staring at his beautiful smile and think about what it be like if they had ended up together

"Sam can we talk? " He asked finally breaking the silence between them, Sam shrugged "About ?" He replied as if he had no idea of what wanted to talk about

"Sam..don't be like that please I just-'' He moved to get closer to Sam but failed wincing in pain

"I'm not angry that you faked your death or that you didn't tell me who you were when we first met or that you killed Dean a thousand whatever times or that you wanted me to say yes to Lucifer, It's been along time Gabriel I let go of all of that years ago"
He said simply "You don't owe me an explanation"

"Sam you don't have to lie you get to be mad at me you get to hate me for all of it" He nearly shouted almost like he wanted Sam to hate him maybe it'd just be easier that way

"Well I'm not and I don't"

"Then why won't you look at me" He asked somewhat daring Sam to look at him

Sam looked down at his feet as if he was searching for the words "Because Gabe we were still together even if it was one date, and maybe it didn't mean anything to you but it meant something to me and if I look at you-and I mean really look at you then I'll be forced to remember all of what I'd been trying to forget for years"

"You don't think it meant anything to me" Gabe said hurt by Sam's words, Sam needing him was enough for him to snap out of reliving years of torture and pain of course he needed him of course what they had meant everything to him of course he loved Sam maybe he didn't know it at the time or knew what it meant but now he knew it was love and Sam did too

"Did it?" Sam spat back his words burning like fire to Gabriel's ears but before he could reply the motel door opened Dean walking through it

Dean could feel the tension in the air as soon as he walked in and immediately looked to Sam who got up and left the room

"What's up with him ?" Dean asked watching his brother leave the room, Gabriel didn't answer "Well ?" Dean pressed for answers, Gabriel still didn't speak

Dean just rolled his eyes and followed in Sam's direction


"I'm going out to check the sewers for any crocs"

"It's alligators Dean"

"Whatever...nerd" Dean muttered closing the door behind him

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