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Harry Kirton x reader

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Harry Kirton x reader

"Want to share the blanket?" Y/n asked her boyfriend, Harry. They were on the sofa binging on Netflix, Y/n had all of the blanket whilst Harry was coverless next to her.

"No I'm fine, you keep it." Harry said wrapping an arm around her, just to feel her body heat. She moved closer to him and noticed the goosebumps all over his arms.

"Are you sure you're not cold?" She asked again, she knew he was cold but he didn't want to admit it.
"No I'm okay, you have it." Harry responded whilst Y/n furrowed her eyebrows, he laughed at her face and she became more confused.

"What?" She asked resting her warm hand on his cold arm.
"You just look adorable when you make that face." Harry laughed again pinching her hot cheeks. Y/n moved away flinching, he was freezing.

She unwrapped herself from the blanket and wrapped it over him as well. This time he didn't complain and just snuggled into her warmth.

He looked down at her and smiled whilst she cuddled into his neck. "Is that my shirt?" He asked gripping the fabric softly. Y/n nodded and looked up at him.

"Your eyes are beautiful." She said after a while of staring at him. Harry blushed and looked away smiling.
"Yours are too." He said looking back at her and kissed her gently.

"Move over then." Y/n said and they both moved to lie down across the couch and she draped the blanket over them both making sure they were both covered.

She snuggled into his chest and rubbed his arms to warm him up, it was a cold day. It had snowed a couple hours before, but it was a shame none of it settled.

"Give me your hand." Y/n smiled as Harry unwrapped it from around her waist. She brought his hand up to her lips and blew into it so they would warm up. Harry smiled at the gesture and removed his hand from her and pressed his still cold hand up her top.

Y/n squealed and jumped off of him and onto the floor.
"What the hell Harry!" She screamed smiling whilst she heard Harry laughing his head off.

She got up and ran into the kitchen and grabbed a couple ice cubes from the freezer. She ran back in and shoved them down his shirt and ran away.

"Y/n!" Harry shouted as his skin came in contact with the cold ice cubes. He gathered them and put them in the sink before looking for Y/n.

She hid herself away under the bed as she heard him trampling into the room.
"I found you!" He laughed as he pulled her out from under the bed.

He picked her up and laid her on the bed. They both laughed their heads off and cuddled.
"That was funny." Y/n smiled and she rested her head into his neck. Harry nodded and kissed her head.

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