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Literally wrote this at school hahah, that's why it so long

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Literally wrote this at school hahah, that's why it so long.

Finn Shelby x reader

It was the funeral. Y/n stood beside her older brother Finn as she watched the carriage with John's body burn down in flames. Whilst the flames burned brighter, Y/n could feel herself tense up and she grabbed onto Finn's arm.

Soon enough, there were multiple gunshots heard and everyone ducked down in cover. However Y/n kept herself standing. She couldn't care less if someone was being shot from a mile away, this was John's funeral, he deserved to have a peaceful funeral where no one was fighting and killing each other.

She snapped her head towards Polly who started shouting at Tommy, when all the women started to leave Y/n held onto her brother Finn, but she was tightly dragged away by her aunt Pol.

It had been a couple days since the funeral and Y/n still wasn't taking it very well. She had gotten into many fights with any man or woman, it was her only way of coping with the stress as Finn was now higher up in the family ever since John died. They barely spent any time together and drifted apart, no one was now able to control Y/n, she would listen to no one. She was ruthless, violent and rugged.

She would get herself into various situations behind her brother's backs. It wouldn't take that long for them to find out that she had been causing all this trouble, but no, they were too busy with their own lives to notice. To notice that she had finally found a man, that she may have actually had an affair with another woman.

But no one knew, not even Finn, and not even Tommy. However, it had been one year since John's death, Esme was gone with her kids and Y/n was nowhere to be found. One day, Finn was walking around the town, finding some girl he could take into the alleyway, where he finally saw Y/n. she was dressed in fancy clothes, nothing like she would usually wear though. They were rich dresses that would flow to the floor.

In shock Finn ran over to his sister. "Y/n!" He shouted, pegging it over to her. Y/n's head shot up and walked away trying to blend in with the crowd of the market.

"Y/n come back, I know that's you. Where have you been all this time?" Y/n finally stopped, turning towards her older brother.

"What do you want Finn?" She asked, sighing that she had been caught after months of being in hiding from her brothers.

"Where the hell have you been everyones been worried, Tommy has people looking for you. We know about what's been happening, we were attacked by the men who said 'they had business with you'." Finn argued, taking her wrist.

"Oh." Y/n bluntly said. "Who were these men you're on about?" She enquired, she knew she had to go give someone a beating for that.

"No one, just come back home." Finn pleaded, taking Y/ns wrist once more. She gave it a little thought and decided she would in fact go with him, she wouldn't stay however, she has someone at home waiting for her.

Finn led her to the Garrison, because he knew they had Arthur there, trying to get him to drink and become drunk. Y/n followed Finn through the doors, and was led into the small room to the right. Inside,

Tommy held his own glass of whiskey and Arthur was taking random shots, with Michael laughing at him to the side.

"Look who I found in town." Finn announced finally showing Y/n to her other brother/cousin. Tommy stood up abruptly whilst Arthur slurred his words whilst staggering up to give her a hug.

"Where the hell have you been?" He demanded, pointing a finger at Y/n.

"Around." Is all she could say, she didn't want to say anything else. She wanted to run away again, they just brought back all the wounds she had to seal away.

"Around, what do you mean around, it's been ages since anyone has last seen you. Or even heard from you!" Tommy argued, having enough of Y/ns attitude.

"I've been busy." She argued back, clenching her fists together in anger of her brother.
"Busy what? Busy, wrecking us over?" He shouted, becoming red in the face.

"I haven't done anything that is to do with you, they only come to you because of my name." She countered, getting ready to leave.

"You know what, I'm just going to leave. I have no business here, if someone tells you they have business with me, tell them to jog on and not have a go at me for it." She spat, beginning to turn around in her spot.

"No, you're going to stay and you're going to talk to Pol." Finn announced grabbing Y/n by the arm, leading her away from the Garrison.

"How is she?" Y/n asked, wrapping her arms around her body.

"She's been fine, she prays for you every night, she thinks you're dead. No leads or anything, how have you been hidden for so long?" Finn asked, obviously annoyed at his own sister's actions.

"It's simple, I gave myself a new identity and I threaten everyone I meet to be quiet, except the ones which decide to go against me for a selfish reason." Y/n uttered.

"Anyway, don't start getting annoyed at me, you were the one who drove me out, I had to cope by myself as you were out becoming a man, part of the business and you had no time for me anymore. I missed you, and I just lashed out." Y/n remarked, becoming saddened by the events that had led up to this.

Finn sighed before looking towards his distraught sister. He knew that he barely saw her before she had disappeared, but it's not like he shut her out entirely.

"Come here." Finn gestured and brought his younger sister into a hug. Out of nowhere Y/n could feel herself release her tears, and she began sobbing. She hadn't felt at home in months, and now she did. But was it all worth going back for? She knew she couldn't surround herself with her family.

She needed to branch off and find her own person, but she knew she wasn't ready. She knew that even being from the Shelby family they would always be there even if they do annoy her like hell, she knew they would make her feel at home.

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