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Wow I'm proud, I wrote so much.

Wow I'm proud, I wrote so much

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Harry Kirton x Reader

Y/n and Harry disliked each other immensely, when they spoke to each other they would argue. Mostly about something really stupid.

They were in drama together at school, and they were usually the couple who was always fighting, it was easy. They didn't even have to act.

Whilst on her way to french Y/n turned a corner and bumped into... you know who.
"God Harry you should watch where you're going." Y/n snapped glaring at him.
"I didn't know you were there did I?" Harry spat back annoyed by her tone.

"Well next time, watch where you're going." She warned brushing past him. Harry shook her head at her and walked off in a mood as well.

By the time it was finally drama they had fought again over a stolen pencil in English. Y/n wandered into the drama hall where the rest of her class was. On the board was written 'Friendships'.

This made her groan, they were always doing something sappy in drama, it was common. This was not going to get her a good GCSE for drama.

"Alright, I'm going to put you into pairs and you have to act like your friends." The teacher announced and Y/n grimaced knowing her fate already. She looked over to Harry who was looking at her already, he gave a sharp look to her before looking back to the teacher.

"Harry and Y/n. You already knew, but you're partners. Yay." Their teacher sarcastically applauded. They already knew that they weren't very good friends, so in an attempt of harmony they were always partners in drama.

Sometimes it was alright but sometimes it was just annoying about the constant arguing.

Y/n stomped over to Harry and sat with him, giving him an unbothered look.  The teacher set the class off to work and everyone got to planning their short act.

"So... what are we going to do?" Y/n asked Harry who was picking at his shoe.
"Well, we'll just act like we are friends. Yeah, simple innit." Harry mumbled not caring.

"Harry, we need to write it down you can't just talk crap and expect this to go well. Do you want a good mark?" Y/n asked getting angrier by the second.

"Yeah." Harry answered and grabbed the book that she held in her hand. He took a pen out of his bag and started writing.

"What are you doing?" She asked looking at her book and watched him write.
"Making a script, so what is going to happen first?"

By the time they were halfway through the small script, the teacher stopped them and it was time for presentation.

"Are we just going to improvise the rest?" Y/n asked walking over to the chairs laid out and sat down getting ready to watch some other people's acts. Harry nodded and sat next to her in case they were first to go up.

"Okay, first we'll have Y/n and Harry because you've not argued once this lesson. So I want to see what you have done." The teacher said gesturing to the duo.

Y/n smiled awkwardly and walked up to the marked out area / fake stage and got into position for their act.

Harry walked through an imaginary door, tears collecting in his eyes.

"Y/n," he whispered going over to Y/n, who was sat on a chair pretending to be sewing some clothing. "Y/n." He said once more and Y/n finally looked up.

"What's wrong, why are you crying?" She asked pretending to put the cloth away and stood up. She walked over to him and touched his cheek.

"It's really nothing, well, actually. I just got fired from my job, you know the one I liked." Harry said acting like he was breaking down.

"Hey, it doesn't matter. You can always get a new job. It's not like it's the end of the world." Y/n comforted him.

"No, it is the end of the world. Now I'll have to leave and find a new one, work is sparse around here. You know that." Harry said pointing away to the door gesturing to the outside.

"Wait, are you telling me that you're leaving?" Y/n gasped as if her heart just broke at the realisation. Her eyes widened and she put her hands on his shoulders.

Harry looked away towards the floor avoiding eye contact. "I guess that is what I'm saying." He whispered, but loud enough for the audience, or class, to hear.

"Oh gosh. When are you leaving?" She asked bringing him closely into a hug. This was very uncomfortable for her but she wanted to prove that she was good at acting.

"As soon as I can. Now or later." Harry cried, the fake tears finally spilling. Y/n pulled away and looked deeply into his eyes, she almost got lost in them. She had never realised his eyes before. They were stunning.

Snapping out of it she pulled him back into the hug and sobbed into the hug. "But you're my best friend, I don't want you to leave." She begged, pulling away again, but keeping her hands on his shoulders.

"Then come with me, we can go together." Harry suggested taking her hands in his.
"Wait, really?" Y/n said and stood away from him and ran over to the other side of the "stage".

She acted like she was packing and closed the imaginary kid of the briefcase.
"Let's go then." She giggled taking his hand and they both ran off stage.

The whole class clapped and they both went and took a bow.

"Wow, you guys. That was great, goodness. So much emotion, I think that's the best of you two acting. Well done." Everyone clapped again and they both sat down, still holding hands.

"That was great." Y/n subtly whispered to Harry as the other pair went up.
"I had fun, you're a great actress when you try." He laughed and Y/n smiled as well.

I guess she didn't hate him as much as she did.

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