Another Girl

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Harry Kirton X Reader

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Harry Kirton X Reader

Harry has been off for a while, he was becoming more and more distant, secretive. He would always be making up excuses to not hang out with Y/n and after a while she just gave up. Their relationship was crumbling under his hands and he had no intention to stop it.

Y/n was walking back with her friends back to her apartment, they had all been out for a meal together. Y/n invited Harry but he declined and stared down at his phone.

"Well this is my stop, by guys." Y/n waved to her friends before walking into her and Harry's shared apartment. She stepped into the hallway and room off her heels.

She looked down towards her shoes and noticed a pair that she had never seen before. They were red stilettos. Y/n had never had any shoes like that, she then confusingly walked through the hallway and dropped her bag down by a table.

She walked into the living room, clothes were flung everywhere. Some were Harry's and some were somebody else's. They weren't hers, she felt her heartbeat accelerate as she continued through the room.

She knew, she knew what had happened and she felt sick. She wandered to the bathroom and took a few breaths, all this anxiety had built up and she didn't want to face the truth.

She finally built up the courage and walked back to their room and swung open the door making it hit against the wall.

There in their bed was Harry and some other girl. They were both asleep, cuddled together. There was a pang in her chest and it constantly hit in a pattern against her chest.

She quickly stormed into the kitchen and grabbed a bucket that was under the sink. She filled it up with ice and water. As it was full up she walked back into her room and tipped the bucket all over the pair.

They both woke up with a fright and got out of the bed, shivering.
"What the fuck?" Harry shouted chucking on a shirt, soaked in water.
"I thought I should cool you guys down, as you two are going to go to hell soon. Get the hell out of my place!" Y/n screamed, she was too angry to cry.

She watched the girl leave, her hair dropped all over the carpet. Y/n looked up to Harry who was standing there too shocked to do anything.

"What the hell Harry? What the fuck?!" Y/n shouted, her voice breaking miserably. She ran a shaky hand through her hair. "How could you, I've done everything for you, for you to do this to me! We are done. Finished. I want you out. You can come by tomorrow to get your things, but just get the hell out." She ordered pointing to the door.

Harry quickly left and slammed the door shut on his way out. Y/n fell down onto her floor clutching her head between her knees. If you would have told her that he would have cheated she would just laugh and say he couldn't do that to her. But he did, he did.

He fell out of love and never told her, he just chose to go find another girl without telling her he didn't want to be with her. It would have been way easier for her, instead of her falling head over heels for him over the last week.

I just guess that there will always be another girl.

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