Angel Eyes

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Saw this pic on Pinterest and thought 'Holy cow I need this

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Saw this pic on Pinterest and thought 'Holy cow I need this.' And so I saved it, that story warm relevant. But this song slaps, sorry that's it's quite short tho ...

Finn Shelby x reader

Y/n couldn't believe it, she was watching as Finn was talking to some random woman again! She would watch as he would seduce women with his green angel eyes.

Even she, herself had fallen in love with his eyes, and was soon enough in love with him. She would remember the great times they had together.

From the time when she met him at the Garrison and when they had their first kiss down an abandoned alleyway.

The secrecy of the relationship was very suspicious, they weren't allowed to do 'couple things' in public. Finn wanted to keep their relationship a secret, whereas Y/n wanted to be comfortable and not have to lie about where she was going.

Once the relationship had broken down and they no longer held the status of boyfriend and girlfriend, Y/n had to watch as Finn would gaze into the eyes of other women and seduce them.

She was lucky as she didn't look too deeply into his eyes otherwise her love for him would be unbreakable and she would become absolutely heartbroken, and not be able to forget about him.

He had played many other women, and unfortunately they had to pay the price of heartbreak. She always wondered if she should warn the girls that were tricked into love by Finn.

But she didn't, she knew he played games, using his eyes as a disguise to hide his true self. Y/n didn't want to ever look at him ever again, otherwise she would be entranced into his angel eyes once again.

So she stayed far away from him, to avoid getting hurt once again. She would curse his angel eyes for being so unforgettable.

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