Hidden Away

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Be prepared this is a long one

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Be prepared this is a long one.
Finn Shelby x Reader

Y/n stared at her wall angrily, her parents had bricked up the window so now Y/n couldn't even look outside, it was annoying. She got to keep one window but it only outlooked the farmer fields beside her house.

Her parents were strict with Y/n as they didn't want her to leave home and go out into the real world, no one knew about Y/n, not even the people who had seen her through the window or the people she once knew.

Her parents always held a grudge as they were classed as 'Birmingham Royalty' along with the Shelby's, so that meant they had to keep their family safe.

Y/n was an only child so that meant the only people she spoke to were her parents and a maid that was close to the family they had bought for Y/n.

Y/n was rather stunning, she could attract men from miles away. She used to be able to go outside, but now her parents forbid it.

Her father stumbled into her room and handed her a small hardback book. She softly grasped it but still held the strong anger of the loss of sunlight.

"Y/n, you know we only do this to protect you, you know. We don't want you leaving anytime soon." He muttered, Y/n was 16 and was becoming a woman who needed to marry.

"That's ridiculous." Y/n snapped, opening her new book. She didn't really like to read, but it's the only thing she could do except lounge around all day.

"I know, but you never know, you might be leaving tomorrow." Her father wearily said, he never liked the idea.

She nodded and went back to the book and her father left.
"Wait, dad?" She spoke up, making him stop before the door. "Is there a chance I could get some paints, you know to draw? Elizabeth told me it was fun." She asked, Elizabeth was her maid, she was free and happy, something Y/n wanted to be.

He nodded and left her alone in the dark room, only getting one window of sunlight.

A month later her parents were arguing over some conflict downstairs. They seemed pretty angry with each other, by the way they were shouting. Of course Y/n didn't like it, it saddened her that her parents weren't getting along. Because they were the only thing she had.

The fighting stopped and Y/n heard a knock on the door. Her mother popped her head through and walked through to sit on Y/ns bed.

"What's happening?" Y/n asked curiously, she knew it wasn't something good by the guilty look on her mother's face.

"Well, you see your father had previously made a deal with another gang, and to pay them back, they suggested that you get married to their little brother." Her mother whispered, ready to hear the girls' objections.

Y/n sat beside her frozen, not knowing what to say. She nodded her head slowly and frowned, but in the back of her head knew that by this happening she could finally go outside. Unless, she's trapped there too.

"They have prepared a meal for tonight at 6, so I've bought a dress you could wear." Her mother announced and went out to get the dress that she suggested.

It was a gorgeous dress, it was blue and had jewels going across the dress in lines, the sleeves were just a mesh type of fabric and it flowed across the shoulder.

Her jaw dropped looking at the dress and she hugged her mother. "It's absolutely beautiful, thank you." Y/n said taking the dress from her mother. Her mother nodded and left leaving Y/n to change.

She left her room and stumbled down the stairs, due to the heels that she rarely wore. She assumed she looked great by the looks on her parents faces.

"You look stunning." They both awed, staring at the girl. Y/n smiled and twirled around in her dress.

"I guess we should go." Her father announced adjusting his suit whilst her mother smoothed out her evening dress.

They travelled by car to London and the time they got there was 5. It took forever to get there, as it was a distance away from the small part of the countryside they lived, in the outskirts Birmingham.

They all got out and travelled into a massive dining hall, where important people gathered, she guessed. Y/n followed along anxiously, it was cold and smelled grubby in London.

They all sat together at a large table surrounded by waiters passed food around to other tables. Her and her parents sat towards the top of a table, opposite another family, who had about 6 chairs distance from the opposite side. Making sure each side could hear.

Y/n was about to sit down beside her mother but her father stopped her.
"Y/n you sit further up the table, next to the ginger." He whispered and she nodded terrified of the strangers.

She sat further towards the other family and sat next to the curly haired ginger. He looked at her with his eyes widened, he thought she was absolutely attractive.

She smiled towards him and pushed her chair in so she was closer towards the table.

"Finn- Finn Shelby." He shyly introduced himself.
"Y/n L/n." Y/n replied shaking his hand confidently.

"Do you know what's happening?" She asked, leaning towards him to whisper in his ear.
"Well, it's to talk about the deal really." He answered her and she nodded.

"I'm supposed to be getting married to someone because of the deal." Y/n announced picking at her dress.
"Same, I guess you're her then." Finn said smiling, she smiled back relieved it's not some crazy person, at least she assumed he wasn't crazy.

"How old are you Finn?" Y/n asked wanting to get to know him.
"18, how about you?" He asked, taking a sip of his drink.
"16." She answered staring at the others at the table, who were chatting towards each other.

"Who's the woman who keeps glaring at me?" Y/n whispered to Finn trying to be quiet, as the woman was diagonal from them.
"That's my Aunt Polly, she wasn't really a big fan of the deal. She seems intimidating, but once you get to know her she's great." He muttered back looking at Polly who was still glaring at the two.

"Hey Pol, you might want to stop staring, I think she's a bit creeped out." An older looking man said to her and she immediately stopped death staring Y/n. Y/n was grateful and the food finally came out. It was placed in the middle and food was passed around and put on people's plates.

"I've never had anything like this before." Y/n said to Finn who looked confused as she ate it.
"Really, how come?" He asked.
"My parents only wanted me to eat things produced by farms close to us, so it was very basic." She told him biting into a bit of carrot.

"So, Mr and Mrs L/N, I guess we should discuss this deal." A man with piercing blue eyes announced smoking a cigarette. Her father placed down his knife and fork and looked towards the man.

"Your daughter marries my brother and the deal is settled, if not then we won't hesitate to declare war." The blue eyed man says and her father nods.

"A deal is a deal, and I guess I approve of the marriage." Her father said, making his voice boom to the other men, to make him seem more scary.

"Good, I suggest she comes back with us tonight then, she should get settled with my brother Finn." He said gesturing to Finn.

This was a big step for her parents after caring for her for years on end, keeping her safe from the world, but now she was growing up and because of the deal they couldn't keep their daughter young and naive.

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