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Finn Shelby x Reader

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Finn Shelby x Reader

Y/n and Finn shouted towards each other throwing hands up and making gestures. They were in the middle of a fight, as Finn had come home later than usual leaving Y/n as a worried mess.

"You could have at least told me you were literally down the road, but you instead ignored it thinking I would be fine about it!" Y/n shouted, sitting at the table hands going through her hair.

"Well I didn't think you would mind, I wasn't even gone for that long." Finn reasoned with her but she wouldn't listen to him.

"Not long, not long! You were gone for two hours longer than you usually do, of course I was worried, I know what happens out there." Y/n said pointing to the door, frustrated as hell.

"For fucks sake Y/n, you ain't my mother. Calm down, why are you so clingy?" Finn spat, walking from one side of the room to another.
"I know I'm not, I just care about you." She mumbled, her voice barely a whisper by the end.

Tears leaked slowly from her eyes and she clenched them shut, unwilling to let the tears go. She held her hands close to her before shakingly picking up an empty plate. She turned to put it in the sink but dropped it, making it smash against the floor.

She quickly dropped down to pick up the pieces but rapidly slit her hand with a sharp side by accident. She chucked down the piece of plate and sobbed next to it.

Finn who was watching travelled over to her and went to take her hand. As he was about to touch hers she pulled away and walked away. He quickly followed her and finally brought her into a hug trying to calm her down.

"Why can't I do anything right?" She choked out, clutching her bleeding hand tightly.
"Shh." Finn soothes and finally inspected her hand.

He washed water over it and wrapped it up before picking up the pieces of the broken plate. He sat next to her at the table and let her snuggle into him.

"I'm sorry for making you worry, and for what I said." Finn muttered kissing her head. Y/n nodded and sniffled into his neck.
"It's alright." She said falling into a deep sleep.

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