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Sorry but why is his neck attractive - what's wrong with me I'm gonna regret saying that

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Sorry but why is his neck attractive - what's wrong with me I'm gonna regret saying that. I'm also pretty sure that I've written so many imagines like this, but it's all I could think of. Haha

Finn Shelby x reader

'I'm sorry that I had to leave like this, I had some business I need to deal with. And unfortunately this business means I need to go alone, I don't know how long I'll be gone, but I know it will be for a while. I love you Finn, don't forget that.


Y/n sealed her note and placed it onto her bedside table. She needed to leave, she had a secret and that secret was going to ruin Finn's life. She knew that she couldn't do that to him so she decided to leave.

She didn't want to, she loved him. But she was told that in order to make him happy and not burden him was to leave. It broke her heart but she had to do it.

She grabbed her bags and tried to shake off the tears that were starting to flow down her pale skin. She glanced around the room before striding out.

She walked her way to the train station, she couldn't bear to ask anyone. They would question where she was going and it would add more guilt onto her shoulders than there already was.

She arrived on time to the train station and got on, she stared out the window and as the train was beginning to leave she saw Finn running up to the train.

She sat up shocked as she saw his tears leaking from his eyes. How did he know where she was?

Finn banged on the train but it carried on leaving him behind and Y/n on her way to a new life.

When she got off the train, the guilt felt was too much, she was beginning to regret it. But she kept remembering the phrase she was told.

She walked into an apartment she had brought, there was a bed already placed there. She placed her bags down and opened them up, taking out a few clothes and putting them into a worn down drawer.

When she was finished she immediately left in order to find a job in the street.

A few years later she was finally able to buy a small house that her and her young child would be able to live in. She was conflicted, she was a young parent and had to make a living for them both but it was hard.

She was thinking about going home but she didn't think she could, because at home was Finn and if he found out they had a child together he would have to be tied down to her.

Y/n was busy cooking herself and her child dinner when she could hear the child laughing to themselves. She smiled shaking her head but could hear heavier footsteps.

She quickly ran out into the front garden where her child was to check up on her, she picked her daughter up and glared at the man who was walking up towards her.

"Y/n, what the fuck?" The man asked, confused looking between the two.
"Finn, what-what are you doing here?" Y/n breathed out, making her child look away from Finn.

"Is she mine?" Finn asked, leaning closer to them both.
"No." Y/n lied.
"Then why did you leave me?" He asked, tears pricking his eyes quickly.

"Why Y/n, why the fuck did you leave me if that's child not mine?" He cried, shouting in desperation.
"Please don't shout, you're scaring her." Y/n begged trying to get Finn to calm down.

"She's yours okay, please just stop." Y/n pleaded, walking away back into her house.
"Y/n please, I want to stay. You can't do this to me, that's my child." Finn argued following her into the house.

Y/n placed down her child and turned towards Finn; she quickly brought him into a hug. She sobbed into his shoulder whilst he comforted her.

"Please Y/n, just let me be here for you." He mumbled kissing her head lovingly.
"Fuck, I knew you'd always find me, I just didn't know it would be like this." Y/n explained, muffled into his shoulder.

"Well I've found you and I'm never letting any of you go."

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