Quarantine Love

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He is so cute ahh

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He is so cute ahh. I'm back...

Harry Kirton x reader

The theme music to 'Harry Potter' started as Y/n and Harry got comfortable on their couch. Currently there is a global pandemic which is spreading like wildfire, causing the whole world to go into lockdown.

This left them stuck inside with barely anything to do. So they had both decided to watch all of the Harry Potter films. At least it was something to do.

They neared the end of the movie when Y/n jumped up, causing Harry to wake up from his peaceful slumber.

She looked towards the clock which had said 9:40pm. Y/n sprinted into the bathroom and started a full routine of skin care.

"Don't tell me you're going to be doing that everyday." Harry asked her, stumbling through to brush his teeth.
"I plan to, but I'll probably forget or get bored of it tomorrow." She answered honestly.

"I'm so tired." She moaned scrubbing at her face with some face scrub she had found in her draw. "Do you want to do a face mask together?" She asked Harry who shook his head.

"What, why not?" She asked, silently begging him to say yes.
"Ugh, fine. But not the one that kills." He answered, warning her.

"Calm down, you get used to it after a while." She answered, wiping away the face scrub.
"No, it's like torture." He argued sitting down beside the bath.

Y/n put a large dollop of face mask on her hand and started smoothing it out across his face. She notice him whinge as he could feel the burning spreading throughout his face.

Y/n giggled and when his face was covered, started to put it in her face. She made sure her hair was up beforehand and quickly used a clip to keep Harry's curly hair out his face.

"I look utterly stupid." He groaned reaching up to touch the mask.
"Hey, not touching." She warned him by slapping his hand.

"Okay, we're done, now we need to wait 10-15 minutes for this to work." She smiled as Harry scrunched up his face.

Y/n dragged him into their room and turned on the television.

"I say we watch Gotham." She said grinning. She always said she watched it for the plot, but we all know who the plot is.
"Okay fine." Harry mumbled, laying down on the bed, along with her.

They continued to watch Gotham until it had finished and Harry looked over at Y/n who was completely fast asleep.

He groaned silently and walked into the bathroom and took off the face mask with a flannel. He wrung out the flannel and walked back into their room where Y/n was still asleep.

He lightly took off her mask until her face was clean before placing the flannel back into the washing basket and headed to bed along with Y/n.

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