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Fun fact, this is a true story that happened to me yesterday

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Fun fact, this is a true story that happened to me yesterday. Ahaha. I was sat in the shelter with my mates and this guy came up and showed us a pic of his cracked head, couldn't see his hair unfortunately, probs covered in blood. But he was fit ehehe, he knew my sister too aha. He also would not stop STARING at me, thought it was pretty weird, he smirked at me too having little comments, boys are hella confusing 🤨. He did in fact tell my friend that he gave me heroin and weed aha. He also kept complimenting my shoes and called me specs as I have glasses as well. So that was eventful.

Harry Kirton x reader

I was sitting down in a worn down shelter beside my friends as the rain poured down lightly. I was sitting scrolling through my phone trying to be careful that the rain doesn't pour onto it.

"Oi, be careful with him, he's a bit drowsy!" A boy shouted from the tennis courts from beside the shelter. A boy with ginger hair walked up the hill and sat in front of me, giving us all a dirty look.

"Hiya." He announced, slumping down into his seat. He gazed at all of us for multiple seconds at a time. "I cracked my head open earlier, you wanna see." He announced getting his phone out before showing us a video of blood pouring down his head.

"Ouch, what happened?" I asked, scrunching my face up with disgust.
"Fought this 7 foot bloke. Fucking hell." He answered, over dramatising his words. I nodded awkwardly before hiding my hands in my jumper sleeves.

I turned back to my phone and rubbed my eyes before looking back up to him, to see him already focusing his eyes on me.

"What's your name?" He asked, his Brummie accent peeping through his voice.
"Y/n. And this is F/n and O/F/N." I declared, gesturing to my friends who were also chattering to each other whilst going through their phones.

"I like your shoes." He smirked, his piercing eyes bearing into mine. I liked down towards my shoes before saying 'thanks'. I had a small smile whilst he continued to smirk at me.

I looked towards my friends who were still staring to the ground before looking back to the guy, his green eyes still staring at me.

"What is your name?" I asked, flicking my hair behind my shoulder.
"Harry." He answered by giving me another small smirk making me smile back with a small laugh.

He murmured something under his breath and I looked up towards him in confusion asking what he had said but he just shook it off. I nodded once again nervously looking towards my phone.

I could feel his eyes still on my face so I looked up at him, staring at him just like how he's staring at me. It stayed like that for a couple of seconds before I broke the eye contact, but somehow he still held it.

Suddenly my sister walked up to the shelter where we were and sat with us.

"Hey S/n. I gave your sister heroin did you know that?" Harry called out to her and she laughed at him. I had no idea they knew each other.

I gave her one last look as she sat down before looking back at Harry who's eyes were on me again. His phone beeped and he gazed at it in confusion before putting it back in his pocket.

"See you later sunshine." He winked, smirking one last time before heading off. Jesus, he was fit.

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